North Middle The purpose of NMS STLP is to encourage students to become proficient in technology and utilize technology in real-world situations.
How do Students join STLP? Goal 2: STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students. How do students sign up: NMS has an application screening process. The student who wants to join STLP has to fill out an application explaining why they want to be part of the program and also a teacher referral. After this process has been fulfilled, students are then considered part of the STLP. When does STLP Meet? Students meet the third Tuesday of every month at 2:25 p.m. in the media center.
North Middle School has 10 STLP students in grades This is a picture of a STLP meeting in which members are deciding on the design for business cards. This is a picture of a STLP meeting in which members are deciding on the design for business cards. **Please note that this will be updated after the picture is taken. Due to snow day, picture was not able to be taken. **Please note that this will be updated after the picture is taken. Due to snow day, picture was not able to be taken.
Goal 2 The STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students. North Middle North Middle Total STLP Students North Middle North Middle Total STLP Students Total Number of Students –550 Total Number of STLP participants - 10 Total Number of Students –550 Total Number of STLP participants - 10 Total Boys – 286Total Boys – 5 Total Boys – 286Total Boys – 5 Total Girls –264Total Girls - 5 Total Girls –264Total Girls - 5 Total Black – 212Total Black -2 Total Black – 212Total Black -2 Total White – 212Total White - 7 Total White – 212Total White - 7 Total Hispanic – 59Total Hispanic - 1 Total Hispanic – 59Total Hispanic - 1 Total Asian – 11Total Asian- 0 Total Asian – 11Total Asian- 0 Total Native American -2Total Native American -0 Total Native American -2Total Native American -0 Total Other - 54Total Other –0 Total Other - 54Total Other –0
Publicizing our Accomplishents North Middle School shares our STLP accomplishments through our local newspaper, on HCETV, through our school and district website, and by participation in local, showcases Examples of how we share our accomplishments will be made available after our District Technology Showcase in March. Picture of STLP will be made available after the District Technology Showcase in March. Picture of STLP will be made available after the District Technology Showcase in March.
Getting Out the News North Middle STLP will be participating in the District Technology Showcase in March. After this event, a picture will be put on the school’s webpage and also we will be announcing our accomplishments over the Morning Announcements which is part of the school’s video production every morning. Pictures of STLP accomplishments will be placed on the school’s webpage. Pictures will be added after March. Pictures of STLP accomplishments will be placed on the school’s webpage. Pictures will be added after March.
NMS STLP Projects Creating business cards for faculty/staff Creating business cards for faculty/staff Creating business cards for new businesses at a very economical cost Creating business cards for new businesses at a very economical cost PR for NMS STLP by setting up display at District Technology Showcase PR for NMS STLP by setting up display at District Technology Showcase Training STLP students how to properly clean and maintain computers in the computer labs. Training STLP students how to properly clean and maintain computers in the computer labs.
NMS School News Broadcasts The NMS news team produces a live news broadcast for the school each morning.. News is presented for our school as well as announcements of school and community activities. The crew consists of students from all grade levels, with older students training younger students. The video production crew is open to ALL students in the school, not just STLP members.
Goal 1 The STLP will develop activities which enhance the academic, social and emotional growth of the student. STLP will create a working relationship among the members and develop a business plan of how STLP can not only help teachers at our school but also new and upcoming businesses in the area. STLP members will design business cards to sell to faculty and staff at our school. STLP members will design business cards to sell to new and upcoming businesses in the area at a fraction of the cost of what they would pay elsewhere.
Goal 2 The STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students. STLP is open to all students at NMS. STLP is open to all students at NMS. STLP students will be able to showcase their talents at the District Technology Showcase STLP students will be able to showcase their talents at the District Technology Showcase
Goal 3 Students will participate in multi-age collaboration by forming innivative learning partnerships. Goal 4 The STLP will form learning partnerships among students with different technology skills. STLP students collaborate with other STLP students on different projects. Specifically, students were grouped together based on their interest level and then given a task to complete for the business card development (example, public relations, design, photography, etc.) STLP students collaborate with other STLP students on different projects. Specifically, students were grouped together based on their interest level and then given a task to complete for the business card development (example, public relations, design, photography, etc.) Student who are not comfortable in one area of technology will be matched with someone who is comfortable and this will develop a partnership of learning. Student who are not comfortable in one area of technology will be matched with someone who is comfortable and this will develop a partnership of learning.
Goal 5 The STLP will develop activities which benefit communities North Middle STLP members will be designing and printing business cards for local businesses. They will be charged a nominal fee just for materials. This should help advertise their business for a fraction of the cost of what a large printing company would charge. **Please note that a picture will be uploaded as soon as we have our next meeting. Due to snow days, we have not been able to meet.
Goal 6 The STLP will develop instructional activities which integrates technology and benefits the school and supports KETS. Students of North Middle School STLP will be working with faculty and staff at this school to create personalized business cards. This will help faculty during parent/teacher conferences by giving the parents contact information. Also, STLP students will be working with the local Chamber of Commerce to get names of new businesses in the area. The STLP students will also be creating and designing business cards for these businesses at a fraction of the cost of what would normally be charged from a large printshop. **Please note that a picture will be uploaded as soon as we have our next meeting. Due to snow days, we have not been able to meet.
Student Participation at Local, District, and State Level North Middle STLP students are scheduled to participate in a district showcase in the Spring. North Middle STLP students are scheduled to participate in a district showcase in the Spring. The North Middle STLP is under the direction of a new leader. The goals for upcoming years will be to focus on needed community projects, especially military families. The North Middle STLP is under the direction of a new leader. The goals for upcoming years will be to focus on needed community projects, especially military families. Another STLP goal is to showcase our talents at the regional level. Another STLP goal is to showcase our talents at the regional level.
North Middle STLP Vision For The Future Possible New Projects for next year will include: Possible New Projects for next year will include: Care packages for our deployed military Care packages for our deployed military Work with the Chamber of Commerce on ways that the STLP can contribute their services to new businesses in the area. Work with the Chamber of Commerce on ways that the STLP can contribute their services to new businesses in the area. North Middle STLP will continue to include more students and faculty in our STLP group. North Middle STLP will continue to include more students and faculty in our STLP group.