Rule 6: Did you know that your plastic bag that you used when you shop and you threw away is in the landfills? And it blows into the water?
Rule 7: Oil spills can hurt the animals and sea animals and birds. It can also cause rubber tires to start on fire.
Rule 9: Plastic bags and extra stuff can hurt the birds. They would eat the plastic bags in the water. And that’s why we use our own bags.
Rule 10: paper is made out of trees.people use up to 5 trees a day. So if we don’t have any trees we would have know air to breath.
All right that’s 10 rules. If you can think of anymore write them down. I think we can all help to preserve our earth.
Glossary 1Contains: It’s something that holds something 2 Great barrier reef: Is a beautiful ocean 3 Electricity: Is power to light the your house.