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Presentation transcript:


Activity 1. Project management 1.3 Project finalisation (July 2013) PROPOSED Responsible: Applicant organisation (NISRLSP) Contributors: all partners (coordinators level). Content: The activity will consist in drafting the final report, from a technical and financial perspective, and the audit. All the documents related to the reporting of the activity shall be submitted by the partners to the applicant organisation. The applicant shall officially forward the report and related documents to the European Commission for the project ending. Status: the project finalisation will be achieved in July 2013 INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 1. Project management 1.3 Project finalisation (July 2013) IMPLEMENTATION: Drafting the final report, from a technical and financial perspective (the documents shall be submitted by the partners to the applicant organisation and this one drafts the final report) Auditing of the final report (contract an audit company and submit the report to auditing) Forwarding the report and related documents to the European Commission for the project ending. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 1. Project management 1.3 Project finalisation (July 2013) PRODUCTS P3. Final report INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 2. Information campaign on innovative measures to ensure FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB IN EUROPE (January-June 2013) 2.2 Information campaign implementation (February-June 2013) PROPOSED Responsible: OSB-AT. Contributors: Communication experts from IT, ES, RO and PT Content: The campaign will consist on creating the project identifications elements, design and put into operation a webpage and an e-platform (also used as dissemination channel and network builder), 2 virtual newsletters, 100 posters, 2 video testimonials, 100 ball pens, 100 notebooks and 1 roll-up. The information campaign will promote the following information: a) about innovative methods to promote a smooth transition from education to work, particularly by securing direct work experiences through simulated enterprises concept, and best practice examples at European level and b) about the project, its objectives and main activities and Progress co-financing. The targeted group consists in decision makers and policy implementers, other stakeholders in the field of school-labour market transition (such as social partners, education institutions, NGOs). The hard materials will be disseminated during the planned events. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 2. Information campaign on innovative measures to ensure FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB IN EUROPE (January-June 2013) 2.2 Information campaign implementation (February-June 2013) IMPLEMENTATION: Designing and start using the e-platform and the project web-site as dissemination channel and network builder, Creating of 2 virtual newsletters, Designing of 100 posters, Registration of 2 video testimonials, Producing of 100 ball pens & 100 notebooks INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 2. Information campaign on innovative measures to ensure FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB IN EUROPE (January-June 2013) 2.2 Information campaign implementation (February-June 2013) PRODUCTS P8. An e-platform and project web-site in use P9. An International experts' network established INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.5. Workshop 3. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Spain case and transferability analysis for other European countries” (Spain, April 2013, 1 day) PROPOSED Responsible: ES Participants: All partners representatives and local stakeholders (decision makers and policy implementers, other stakeholders in the field of school- labour market transition such as social partners, education institutions, business community NGOs from the partner’ country) – total participants ~ 25 persons Content: know-how exchange on using innovative instruments for youth transition through career counselling, education and training provision effectively related to labour market needs and enterprise/business environment. Implementation: logistic arrangements for event (room, translation), agenda and invitation draft and dissemination, participation confirmation, etc. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.5. Workshop 3. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Spain case and transferability analysis for other European countries” (Spain, April 2013, 1 day) IMPLEMENTATION: Organise the workshop in La Coruna, on 22 April Invite of minimum 25 stakeholders in the field of education and labour market such as decision makers and policy implementers regarding the area of employment and transition from school to work, social partners, business community and NGOs from Spain, for an exchange of information and know- how on using innovative methods for youth transition from school to work. Apply the questionnaire on quality assessment and report the results. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.5. Workshop 3. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Spain case and transferability analysis for other European countries” (Spain, April 2013, 1 day) PRODUCTS P10. 1 workshop implemented in Spain P12. 1 report of evaluation questionnaires for the workshop INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 4. Study on the impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level 4.1 Study drafting and finalisation PROPOSED Responsible: Applicant organisation (NISRLSP) Contributors: NISRLSP researchers Content: The study will focus on the impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level taking into account the demographic and economic perspectives and the conclusions drawn from the workshops and study visits previously organised. A particular attention shall be grant to the innovative concept of simulated enterprises used within tertiary education organisations in Europe (e.g. Austria, Romania) as step in stone for students’ entering on the labour market. The study will support formulation and dissemination of recommendations on design and implementation of innovative measures to support education – labour market first transition in case of youth and avoidance of skills mismatch and promotion of efficient use of human resources. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 4. Study on the impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level 4.1 Study drafting and finalisation IMPLEMENTATION: Applied minimum 50 questionnaire to stakeholders, in order to identify innovative methods for youth transition from school to work Drafting the study (chapter 1-3) based on each country draft - study Drafting the recommendation (chapter 4) based on each country contribution INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 4. Study on the impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level 4.2 Study dissemination PROPOSED: Responsible: Applicant organisation (NISRLSP-RO) and OSB Contributors: All partners (the study will be posted on each partner website) Content: the study shall be disseminated through the e- platform operationalised under activity 2.2. and NISRLSP-RO contacts INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 4. Study on the impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level 4.2 Study dissemination IMPLEMENTATION: Dissemination of the study through the e-platform and the project web-site Dissemination by editing the final study INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA