Why use Webquests? Webquests should give students a “real world” application of their skills to perform a task as an assessment of their learning Webquests limit the searching students do to find information. Often students spend more time looking than composing Webquest can keep students from going where we don’t want them to go
Sites that might help you find existing Webquests or give you some support in designing your own. The original Webquest location: Rubrics for Webquest: Matrix of existing Webquests: Kathy Shrock’s Webquest Presentation: Another list of Webquests: A “Flow Chart” for designing Webquests: Webquest Template:
Some Webquests Examples Who needs a fairy godmother anyway? A Pilgrimage into History 2030 Homesteading Mars Talking to the Colonists Country Music Webquest The World of Puppets Dinosaurs Exploring Simple Machines
Some helpful shortcuts Control + M gives you a new slide View; slide sorter gives you all of your slides on one page. You can move them around from this spot but holding down the left mouse button and dragging the slide to where you would like it If you save as a webpage, you can put it on the Internet and access the work from all computers via the ELPS Website
Some tips to make your Webquest links to other sites work Hyperlinks: If you want to have the kids click on a picture to go to a site, you: Insert; Picture; Clip Art (This puts a picture on the screen) Insert; Hyperlink; type in an Internet Address or copy and paste from a site After you’ve hyperlinked, kids just click on the picture or words to go to a site. Click on picture
You can use pictures on your Webquest as well as clip art. You can use diagrams, too Omnivores Carnivores Herbivores
Some ideas that spring from Power Point and Webquests
Identify that constellation A. The big dipper B.Scorpio C.Capricorn D.The sun OPTION ONE: Instructions: Pick the best answer from above. Write your answer on the answer sheet OPTION TWO: Have the answers linked to another page. If they are right, you give them a congratulations. If they are wrong, you have them try again.