AUSTRALIA - geography Australia is the smallest continent. It is the only continent which is a single country. Australia is located south of Asia between the Indian and Pacific oceans. Australia is made up of six states and two territories. The main and official language is English. There are about 20 million people.
Australian states New South Wales is the oldest and most populous state. There is Sydney – the largest city. Tasmania – the smallest state. Western Australia – the largest state. Victoria – there is Melbourne – cultural centre. South Australia – famous for its wines.
Australian states Other states and territories are Queensland, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory. The capital is Canberra.
AUSTRALIA – system of government Australia is a federal state of independent states. Its official title is the Commonwealth of Australia. Formally, the head of state is the monarch of the United Kingdom, currently Queen Elizabeth II. The real power is in the government. The federal government is led by the prime minister. The federal legislative body, the Parliament, is in Canberra. It has two houses – the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Australian history Australia was settled by Aboriginals. The Dutch were the first Europeans to discover Australia in the 17th century. James Cook, the British explorer, claimed Australia for Britain in It was originally settled as a prison colony. Australia became an independent nation in 1901 when the six colonies agreed to become a federation.
Australia´s geographical features The Great Barrier Reef is the world´s largest coral reef. Australia´s tallest mountain is Mount Kosciuzsko. It is 2,228 metres high. Australia´s longest river is the Murray River.