Data Integration Project. MoSTEMWINS Data Projects Strategy 1 -- Develop and Implement a statewide data system in support of tracking student performance.


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Presentation transcript:

Data Integration Project

MoSTEMWINS Data Projects Strategy 1 -- Develop and Implement a statewide data system in support of tracking student performance in noncredit programs of study ActivitiesMilestonesWhere we are Year 1 – Project modeling & scoping Hire project manager Identify options & select data collection portal & repository Develop standards for data sharing Identify questions & concerns recommendations on data collection portal & repository Select data collection portal & repository Install data collection portal & repository Year 1 – Develop project scope Hire project manager Create web portal to manage data collection Set standards for stakeholders sharing data Assess noncredit programs and outcomes Begin stakeholder training in new system Year 1 – Project scope determined Project manager (business analyst position posted & interviews scheduled) Business analysis underway to document business processes and systems for longitudinal database

MoSTEMWINS Data Projects Strategy 1 -- Develop and Implement a statewide data system in support of tracking student performance in noncredit programs of study ActivitiesMilestonesWhere we are Year 2 – Pilot program and modifications Conduct training Conduct user surveys Start data harvesting Research and Analysis Begin generating reports Year 2 – Data system installed Pilot conducted Analyze pilot results Implement modifications where necessary Continue stakeholder training Full system rollout Year 2 –

MoSTEMWINS Data Projects Strategy 1 -- Develop and Implement a statewide data system in support of tracking student performance in noncredit programs of study ActivitiesMilestonesWhere we are Year 3 – Complete training Complete user surveys Start data harvesting Continue research and analysis Generate reports Year 3 – Professional development continues Allow articulation between credit and noncredit programs Begin using data for planning and evaluation strategies at the college and state level Outcomes data analyzed Policy discussion engaged in support of project Year 3 --

MoSTEMWINS Data Projects Strategy 2 – Develop and implement an all-inclusive course matrix mapping crosswalk to national standardized prior learning assessment opportunities with relative credit hour values ActivitiesMilestonesWhere we are Year 1 – Procure subject matter expert to facilitate project Conduct analysis of current prior year learning opportunities at community colleges Conduct training with key stakeholders around project processes and data mining processes Year 1 – Subject matter expert will be hired Begin to convene work group to facilitate training and development of crosswalk matrix mapping of courses Establish data matrix tables for input from all colleges Year 1 –

MoSTEMWINS Data Projects Strategy 2 – Develop and implement an all-inclusive course matrix mapping crosswalk to national standardized prior learning assessment opportunities with relative credit hour values ActivitiesMilestonesWhere we are Year 2 & 3 – Compile information on national standards for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) options Evaluate courses to national standards (major part of work) Prepare documentation for each course as well as a complete guide Year 2 &3 – Consultant works with colleges to input appropriate course information into data matrix inventory Year 2 & 3 –

MoSTEMWINS Data Projects Strategy 3 – Develop and implement a grant participant real-time data system for the MoSTEMWINS TAACCCT grant. ActivitiesMilestonesWhere we are Year 1 – Select a participant data collection system software tool Install and begin training with grant implementers Conduct a pilot and make necessary adjustments Year 1 – Procure participant data collection software tool Installation and implementation of pilot program Year 1 -- RFP closed and bids under evaluation

MoSTEMWINS Data Projects Strategy 3 – Develop and implement a grant participant real-time data system for the MoSTEMWINS TAACCCT grant. ActivitiesMilestonesWhere we are Year 2 – Complete pilot then scale to remaining consortium colleges Continue training grant implementers Go live with system Begin to generate participant data reports Year 2 – Full implementation of program to remaining colleges Year 2 --

MoSTEMWINS Data Projects Strategy 3 – Develop and implement a grant participant real-time data system for the MoSTEMWINS TAACCCT grant. ActivitiesMilestonesWhere we are Year 3 – System established and reporting continues Evaluation analysis Year 3 – Reports generated Evaluation analysis Year 3 --

WIOA Implementation WIOA MeasureWIA Measure MeasureWIOAWIA Entry into unsubsidized employment 2 nd quarter after exit1 st quarter after exit Retention in unsubsidized employment 4 th quarter after exit2 nd and 3 rd quarters after exit Earning change after entry into unsubsidized employment Median earnings in 2 nd quarter after exit Average earnings in 2 nd and 3 rd quarters after exit Credential Rate% participants who obtain a recognized post-secondary credential during participation or within 1 year of exit Not measured Program Skills Gain% participants in education leading to credential or employment during program year, achieving measurable gains, and measured in real time Not measured

WIOA Requirements Performance measures aligned for programs – DWD (including ETPS) Wagner Peyser Vocational Rehabilitation Adult Education To receive workforce funding through WIOA – All students must be reported – Credit and noncredit reported (industry recognized noncredit credentials) Effective July 1, 2015 but WIOA performance effective July 1, 2016

Scorecard Metrics Scorecard MetricProposed Measurement Annual Graduation RateGraduate Rate Survey (GRS) Employment Rate of Completers 6 months after completion Employment Retention of Completers 1 year after employment Average Earnings of Completers 3 years following completion Transfer RatesAll transfers, including community college students transferring to a 4 year institution

Scorecard Missouri was only 1 of 2 states to receive additional grant funds to create the scorecard. Why? – Previous success with building the longitudinal database (WDQI). Track record of multiple state agencies working together. Wage Explorer Research and tools are sustainable after grant funding ends.

WDQI Missouri one of 32 states that received the grant to link workforce and education data Partner Agencies DED DHE DESE DOLIR DSS Data sharing MOU was created (and recently renewed) Longitudinal database created Wage Explorer is a product of the database

Wage Explorer

Sample Scorecard

Sample Scorecard

Sample Scorecard

Labor Market Summary

Gov Delivery

Gov Delivery

Contact Information Ronda Anderson Workforce Research Manager Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC)