The REALLY Amazing Race !!!
“…Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”Hebrews 12:1
Australia: “The Land Down Under” The island continent Population: 20 million Religions: Christian 68% Unreligious 28% Other4% (non-Christian)
People of Australia 68% British / Irish 20% other European 6% Asian 3% Middle Eastern 2% Aborigine
Australian Wildlife Kangaroo Koala Bear Duck-billed Platypus Echidna Cockatoo Kookaburra Dingo Emu Shark
Reptiles of Australia
Landmarks of Australia
The Outback Desert regions in central Australia Known for its harsh conditions Tourists like to see the “wilds” of Australia
Australian Aborigines
Australia and the Ocean Australia is also famous for its beaches and for the Great Barrier Reef (along the northeast coast of Australia).
Spiritual Needs of Australia Despite its beauty, wealth, and natural resources, Australia is in need of revival. Many Christians do not attend church. Many pastors have left the ministry.
God is Moving in Australia! Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia is the largest church in Australia with 20,000 members. Their music has reached around the world.
Pray for Australia Pentecostal churches are growing; pray for more strong churches like Hillsong to rise up in Australia. Pray that Christians would be genuine and committed to God. Pray for more outreach to ethnic people (Asians, Middle Eastern people, and Aborigines) and more vision for missions in the churches.
Pray for Australia! Pray for pastors in Australia: that they would continue strong in the ministry God has given them. Pray for more pastors. Pray for a strong Christian witness for Jesus among students at schools and colleges in Australia.