Local Agencies Serving Immigrants LASI LASI is a coalition of immigrant service agencies serving the Ottawa community LASI works together as a dynamic partnership As a forum to share information between agencies
LASI VISION Mission of the LASI coalition: Advancing the social and economic integration of immigrants, refugees, and other newcomers Ensuring co-operation and collaboration among partner agencies Influencing community to adapt to newcomers
Agency Participation LASI is comprised of independent settlement agencies Each agency has their own offering of services The agencies freely come together in partnership The coalition partners represent a wide cross-section of the immigrant community All are involved in delivering front-line services to Newcomers They come in daily contact with the grassroots, as well as influencing broader sector issues
LASI Partners LASI World Skills (employment services) Catholic Immigration Centre Immigrant Women Services of Ottawa Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) Lebanese and Arab Social Services Agency Jewish Family Services
Common Goals of LASI To enhance the social and economic integration of immigrants, refugees and other newcomers To collaborate amongst partner agencies To influence community-at-large to adapt to Newcomers To voice concerns To advocate in the community for immigrant issues To plan strategically for the future
Achieving Our Goals These goals will be achieved through: LASI coalition efforts in Employment and employment-related initiatives Research Public education Settlement Integration services
Guiding Principles Negotiate with trust, good will and respect Agencies support one another Strive not to duplicate efforts Share resources, expertise and knowledge
Shared Governance Model The LASI coalition utilizes a shared governance model This reflects the spirit of the partnership There is a monthly meeting of all executive directors from the partner agencies These individuals comprise the membership of the LASI Coalition Board of Directors There is an Executive Director of the LASI Coalition who attends each monthly meeting There is a rotating chairperson each month, a responsibility which is shared equally among the agencies
LASI Initiatives LASI initiatives enhance and compliment the efforts of the partner agencies Decisions are made by concensus ***If a partner agency determines that participating in the concensus decision-making process is not in the interest of their agency they may opt out
LASI Activities Involvement in the following areas: Public awareness Advocacy Relationship-building Outreach Project development In keeping with coalition mission/goals
Recent LASI Activities Ottawa police to Newcomers issues Hosting presentation by Ontario Citizenship minister Mike Colle on Fair Access to Professions and Trades—Bill 124 Organizing Enhanced Language Training conference Addressing cultural competencies with in the Children’s Aid Society Playing a leadership role in the United Way Impact council Participation in Hire Immigrants Ottawa Project
Creation of LASI World Skills In 1997, the LASI coalition formed a separate agency called LASI World Skills It is a non-profit, charitable organization It was created to assist in meeting the employment needs of new Canadians residing in the Ottawa region LASI World Skills is able to respond to Newcomer needs through a number of programs that are funded through different levels of government
LASI World Skills and the Coalition The LASI World Skills Executive Director attends and reports at all LASI Coalition meetings At meetings, decisions and follow-up actions are decided by all partners, equally When an employment initiative/activity may constitute a conflict of interest, partner agencies consult and collaborate to determine: Should it be a World Skills initiative/activity? How will it be implemented? Should a lead agency be designated?
LASI World Skills and the Community LASI World Skills is well connected to the Newcomer community The vast majority of immigrants in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario will use our services at some point in their search for employment World Skills staff is made up of predominantly foreign- born professionals As a result, many immigrants have been involved in designing our many programs and services
LASI World Skills Programs and Services World Skills CAN- Career Access for Newcomers JSW Job Search Workshop OWEEP – Ontario Works Enhance Employment Program Job Placement Resource Centre EAITP - Employment Alternatives for Internationally Trained Physicians ITT - Internationally Trained Teachers – Teach in Ontario Workplace Training for Professionals (engineers, teachers, medical specialists)
Career Access for Newcomers (CAN) A project designed to help Newcomers access employment that is appropriate to their experience and education Provides the tools, information and skills needed to conduct an effective job search Prepare for, obtain and maintain employment Explore career alternatives
Job Search Workshop (JSW) The workshop runs for three consecutive days The JSW offers job search training that is designed specifically for Newcomers in Canada less than 5 years who are landed immigrants or convention refugees Examples of workshop areas: Effective resume/cover letter writing Successful interview techniques Techniques for contacting employers
Workplace Language Training for Internationally Trained Professionals The program consists of 3 courses: Workplace Communication and Culture for Newcomers Writing for Professional Purposes Oral Communication Skills for Professionals Volunteering or Job-shadowing opportunity Enhanced Language Training (ELT)
This project is designed for internationally-trained teachers who want to bring their education and experience into Ontario classrooms Teach in Ontario provides the support you need to become a certified teacher and find a job in education All the information needed to understand and navigate the certification process Teach in Ontario
World Skills has partnered with Algonquin College to select and prepare candidates for the Algonquin College Mentorship Program The first 15 clients from the CAN Project have already been coached and streamlined towards COMP Mentorship Program New Opportunity
Community Recognition Community Recognition In 2004 LASI and World Skills received Outstanding Community Building Partnership of the year Award In 2004 LASI and World Skills received Outstanding Community Building Partnership of the year Award
Serving Newcomers Together Building A Welcoming Community &
Thank You!