Valerie Kisiel – Innovative Educators Online professional development On-Demand Student Success Workshops Online advisor in addition to IE work Combined, IE staff has over 45 years of experience Working to improve services to students for the past 10 years Kristen Seldon – Innovative Educators Director of Institutional Relations StudentLingo Contact Who?
1.Are you? Student Services Academic Services Faculty Mixture Other 2.Do you offer online advising, counseling or tutoring sessions? 3.Do you currently offer 24/7 online resources or services for students? Who is out there?
What are the goals for today? 1. Think outside of the box 2. Do more with less 3. Restructure the way we serve students
Online Education & Services Online enrollment increased by what percentage from ? A. 50% B. 75% C. 543% D. 832% (US News & World Report, Sept degrees-learn-more-before-you-enroll degrees-learn-more-before-you-enroll
1. Most people want information online Convenience is king
Non-Traditional Students What percentage of today’s students are considered non-traditional? A. 35% B. 45% C. 75% D. 85% /EDUCAUSEQuarterlyMagazineVolum/FutureofHi gherEducation/ /EDUCAUSEQuarterlyMagazineVolum/FutureofHi gherEducation/199391
2. Outside Commitment Overload Multi-Tasking is a must!
Doing More with Less More Students + Less $$$ = Doing More with Less 8/3W/bH/568_18337_ m4v
3. Times have changed Old School New School
Solutions Podcasts/Vodcasts Online Student & College Services Web Conferencing On-Demand Videos
DEFINITION A podcast is a series of audio or video digital-media files which is distributed over the Internet by syndicated download, through Web feeds, to portable media players and personal computers. ~ Wikipediaaudiovideo digital-mediaInternetsyndicated downloadWeb feeds portable media playerspersonal computers Podcasts/Vodcasts
Uses Instructional Lecture Test Review Grading Supplemental information Tutoring Lots of free tutoring podcasts Language example Advising Faculty member talk about program Course descriptions Registration steps Examples services/id services/id
Is this the best delivery option for the content? People to include in the discussion Cost Software needed How to make it happen Marketing Implementation
WHO needs to be involved? WHAT are we trying to do? WHERE will we get funding? WHEN should we implement? HOW will we coordinate technology? WHY does this matter? Steps to Implementation
Online Student Services GOOD PRACTICES Fast access to information Accurate and current information Student friendly site design and navigation ADVANTAGES Available 24/7: repeatable Watch with parents/family Can be available in multiple languages CHALLENGES Lack of “personal touch” Not all students have computer access or skills What are Online Services?
Instant Response – Advising – Chat – – – html html Google Docs Examples
HOW DO WE USE IT? Career Center Counseling Financial Aid Outreach CTE/Vocational Classroom Parent Programs Classroom Collaboration Uses
DEFINITION Web conferencing is used to conduct live meetings, training, or presentations via the Internet. meetingspresentationsInternet EXAMPLES Webex, NetMeeting, Yugma (free), Adobe Connect, Elluminate Web Conferencing
Uses Student Services Orientation Live online orientation Parent orientations Get Started Sessions Advising, Financial Aid and Career Synchronous online advising Instructional Online course/lectures Online, synchronous office hours Instructional Support Online presentations – supplemental instruction Online Tutoring and study groups Example -
DEFINITION The ability to deliver a movie or other video program to an individual Web browser or television whenever the user requests it. On-Demand Videos
Instructional 1 minute paper, borrowing money, endless videos on YouTube Motivational Search for inspirational speakers and stories TED: html html Student Success/Support FYE, Learning Center, Tutoring, Student Life, Supplemental Instruction StudentLingo Examples YouTube – Common Craft - TED: StudentLingo Uses
Common Craft
StudentLingo On-Demand Student Success/Support Workshops Interactive video-based workshops, action plans & valuable resources Maximize Your College Experience What Makes a Successful Student Exploring Careers & Choose a Major Mastering the Interviewing Resume Writing Time Management Conquering Procrastination Financial Literacy Stress Management Financial Aid Basics Topics Academic & Career Exploration Personal Management
StudentLingo On-Demand Student Success/Support Workshops Interactive video-based workshops, action plans & valuable resources Discover Your Learning Style Study Tips & Note-Taking Test Anxiety and Test-Taking Skills Avoiding Plagiarism Learning Strategies Every Student Should Know Learning to Learn Reading Comprehension Strategies Pre-Writing Techniques: Strategies For Idea Development Developing A Strong Thesis Statement Drafting Introductions, Body Paragraphs, And Conclusions Proofreading, Revising, And Editing Your Paper Reading & Writing Strategies Topics
Goals of SL GOAL = Help students achieve their academic, personal and career goals GOAL = Help students be more prepared for appointments GOAL = Allow counselors and tutors to spend quality time with students. GOAL = Give faculty access to workshops to use in or outside of class GOAL = Provide useful information to all students 24/7
Action Plans
Topics Engaging Activities
Topics Spanish Version
Advisors and Career Counselors First Year Experience Orientation Online Learning Learning Centers/Student Success Programs Tutoring Programs Faculty Parent’s Programs. Uses
Northwest Arkansas Community College Aaron Divine - Learning Services Specialist, Title III 8,000 students Academic Advising Center and the Career Development Center Students either self-select or referred electronically Helps students identify both career and academic goals. The Exploring Careers and Choosing a Major workshop saw a 48% declaration of major rate by students who had completed the workshop. Case Studies
New England College of Business and Finance Paula Bramante - VP of eLearning 1,700 FTE Student Services and Academics Tutorials are available on the Student Portal. New students take 3 tutorials as part of their orientation coursework. “The Plagiarism tutorial is very helpful and is built into the Information Literacy course at the undergraduate level.” “The workshops have been very well received. Students attribute this course as being a key contributor to their success as an online student.”
Southeastern Community College Lisa Santiago- Title III Tracking Specialist 2700 Full Time & 2600 Part Time Required for Business, Math, English, Philosophy/Religion, Art, Sciences (Microbio/Anat/CAN) Discover Your Learning Style helps students work and study within their styles to learn more material faster Great resource for faculty! StudentLingo is an easy way for faculty to incorporate student support services into their classes Case Studies
Jessica Petriello – Academic Counselor 3,000 students Academic Resource Center & First Year Seminar (FYS) Program Uses Academic Probation and/or receiving mid-semester warnings First Year Seminar & Online Students New graduate assistants in the ARC – Training A supplement to our in-person Elements of Success Workshop Series Helped students prepare for Academic Counseling appointments and increased the quality of time with students This is a great tool for Academic Advisors and Faculty Case Studies
Foothill College Alex Duran – Program Director, Foothill College & Career Connections, Map Your Future 12,000 students Use in New Student Orientation, High School Outreach Workshops, Accelerated Summer Academies Faculty use in classroom: Cheating & Plagiarism, Time Management, Career Exploration Faculty use for their own information Spanish version very useful for parents Case Studies
More Information: How does it work?
Next Steps Identify 3 tools you can use to improve online student support Determine which departments on campus would benefit from the tools discussed Develop a plan for implementation Find out what students want – survey or just ask Create a task force Cost Staff time Technology support involved in implementation
Contact Info Free Trial: Valerie Kisiel Innovative Educators StudentLingo Information