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Round 1 Final Jeopardy
SafetyToolsClassroomLabs $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
ToolsSafetyClassroomLabs $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Tools $100
TOOLS $200
TOOLS $300
TOOLS $400
TOOLS $500
Tools $100-Answer What is a microscope?
Tools $200-Answer What is a graduated beaker?
Tools $300-Answer What is a triple beam balance?
TOOLS $400-Answer What is a petri dish?
TOOLS $500-Answer What is a flask?
Safety $100
Safety $200
Safety $300
Safety $400
Safety $500
Safety $100-Answer What are goggles ?
Safety $200-Answer What is a lab apron?
Safety $300 What are gloves?
Safety Answer $400 What is the symbol for poison?
Safety Answer $500 What is the symbol for radiation hazard?
Classroom $100 Papers go in the…
Classroom $200 My science notebook belongs in…
Classroom $300 Where does broken glass go?
Classroom $400 Late homework is…
Classroom $500 Upon entering the classroom, you should…
Classroom $100-Answer What is the recycle bin by the doorway?
Classroom $200-Answer What is my science drawer (labeled with my science period)?
Classroom $300-Answer What is the broken glass container?
Classroom $400-Answer What is “Never accepted”?
Classroom $500-Answer What is a Warm-Up?
Labs $100 When using electrical equipment, be aware of…
Labs $200 What type of experiments should you do in class?
Labs $300 When lighting a candle or alcohol burner, you should…
Labs $400 If something gets into your eye, or a spill occurs…you should
Labs $500 When working with heat, remember…
Labs $100-Answer What is worn cords, plugs, nearby water, or dangling cords?
Labs $200-Answer What is “those the teacher tells you to do”?
Labs $300-Answer What is “strike the match away from you with long sleeves and long hair up”?
Labs $400-Answer What is “tell your teacher immediately”?
Labs $500-Answer What is “never heat materials in a closed container”?
Final Jeopardy Classroom
Final Jeopardy Our science classroom rule is…
Final Jeopardy-Answer What is “Stop, think before you act as you consider others”?