Revitalizing Nursing Education Sharon Vasuthevan NEA 2009 Conference
Discussion Points Concepts The Burning Platform Clarity Managing Change Collaboration Leadership Conclusion
Concepts Ignite –To cause to burn. –To set fire to. –To subject to great heat, especially to make luminous by heat. –To arouse the passions of; excite Revitalize –To impart new life or vigor to –To make more lively or active –Restore strength –Regenerate/renew - reestablish on a new, usually improved, basis or make new or like new;
The Burning Platform Common wisdom is that you need a “Burning Platform” to cause change. A burning platform describes a crisis so painful that you are forced to act. The classic image is that of an offshore oil rig on fire. The prospect of jumping into the ocean is so perilous that the workers won’t jump until it’s clear that remaining on the rig means certain death.
Burning Issues Nursing shortage New qualifications Lack of midwives Status of nursing colleges & schools Changes in education Economic downturn
Burning Issues The ability to identify “burning” issues” and separate them from the routine challenges of the day will have a great effect on our willingness to accept change Learning anxieties are the basis for resistance to change Survival anxieties, in contrast, are those painful realizations that in order to succeed, we have to change. Survival anxiety is greater than learning anxiety. A GOOD CRISIS SHOULDN’T BE WASTED!
Opportunities for Revitalization Clarity Change Management Collaboration Leadership Nursing Activism
Clarity Have a vision of the end result What do we collectively want in nursing?
Clarity Do we have absolute clarity on our burning issues? Do we have a clear vision of our nursing education system Do we know what it is going to take to train an adequate number of nurses for our healthcare services? Is the training of enrolled midwives urgently necessary?
Focus Nursing Resources Quality practice Success
Crystallize the issues Keep asking questions Check understanding Prioritize Have a game plan in terms of tackling issues Win the battle and the war
Change Management What got us here, won’t get us there!
Change is disruptive Control became an issue Fears are raised Opportunities seen Previous State Current State
Effects of Change on Nurse Educators Optimism Shock Denial Anger Bargaining Testing Acceptance Adapting TIME Nursing Qualifications Future State Previous State Current State
Managing Change Towards a new nursing education system
Collaboration Unity of Effort Collective action does not mean homogeny
Get Organized Share current information Lobby on relevant issues Make representations to top level persons Protect our interest Encourage participation Information is power!
Be at the cutting edge! Education issues Practice issues Healthcare issues Global issues
Get involved Present papers Write about your experiences Set high standards for yourself Share success stories Engage in research Recognize good work Strive for excellence
Leadership 3 Ts Nursing Leadership –Talent –Training –Trenches If you stop learning, you stop leading
Nursing Activism Hot and cold on nursing issues – rehashing the same issues Someone else job to take forward Too busy with activities
Nursing Activism Be moved to act on an individual, institutional, country basis Everyone should be an activist for nursing Have a set of principles to which you strongly adhere Have an opinion or position on issues Take a stand CHANGE OURSELVES FROM ACTIVITIES TO ACTIVISM!
Future Vision for Nursing
Conclusion Making a Difference in Nursing Education Doing different things and Doing things differently
Thank You