Indiana Standards and Assessment Update Instructional Shifts in College & Career Readiness: Regional Professional Development Plenary Session
Housekeeping Items Overview of sequence of events today After action survey PGP certificate
The Purpose Behind the New Standards During the 2013 session, the General Assembly passed Public Law 286. This new law, Indiana Code , established the timeline below for the review and adoption of new K-12 academic standards.
Indiana Academic Standards Hub Page
Indiana Academic Standards Hub Page
Special Populations Indiana Academic Standards (2014) Resources for Special Populations of Students Special Education Resource Guide High Ability Resource Guide WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards Implementation Guide English Learners students students
Agenda CCR Standards CCR Assessments Support for Educators and Beyond 7
States must adopt college- and career-ready (CCR) standards CCR ELA and Math standards adopted by State Board of Education on April 28, 2014 States must administer assessments based on CCR standards by the spring of 2015 Featuring new item type: technology-enhanced (TE) items Transitioning Standards and Assessments: ESEA Flexibility Waiver/Federal Requirements
Designing the Spring 2015 ISTEP+ (Grades 3-8) Aligned to CCR ELA and Math Indiana Academic Standards ISTEP+ Part 1 March administration Applied Skills (open-ended) items ISTEP+ Part 2 April/May administration Multiple-choice and technology-enhanced items
10 Construct an answer using Math Palette
Drag-and-drop Multiple-correct response
12 Multiple-correct response
Designing the Spring 2015 ISTEP+ End of Course Assessments (ECAs) Spring 2015 ECAs will include two components: Graduation examination Aligned to IAS (2000 Algebra I, 2006 English 10) Accountability assessment Aligned to CCR IAS (2014 Algebra I and English 10) Watch for additional ECA updates coming later this fall!
Blue font = Educator Involvement Assessment Development Journey
Support for Educators: Grades 3-8 SupportTimeline Test Blueprints Posted early July Instructional and Assessment Guidance Posted late August Acuity Readiness Assessments Available in September Professional Development: Open-ended items and Technology-Enhanced Items September/October Experience College- and Career-Ready Assessment Early October ECA-related support coming this fall!
Test Blueprints Provide “big picture” view of strands/reporting categories Assist in prioritizing curriculum Enhance instructional planning Guide development of classroom assessments
Instructional and Assessment Guidance Provides “granular” view of standards Informs curricular and instructional priorities Provides transparency regarding assessments ISTEP+ Part 1, ISTEP+ Part 2 +,, –
Instructional and Assessment Guidance Mathematics – Grade 5 Represents standards that may be assessed on ISTEP+ Part 1 and ISTEP+ Part 2. All standards may be assessed on ISTEP+ Part 2. SymbolContent PriorityApproximate Instructional Time ++ Critical50 – 75% Important25 – 50% –– Additional5 – 10% Strand 1 Number Sense Strand 2 Computation Strand 3 Algebraic Thinking Strand 4 Geometry Strand 5 Measurement Strand 6 Data Analysis Strand 7 Mathematical Process 5.NS.1 *5.C.1 ++ *5.AT.1 ++ 5.G.1 *5.M.1 ++ 5.DS.1 * *PS.1 ++ 5.NS.2 5.C.2 ++ *5.AT.2 ++ *5.G.2 5.M.2 5.DS.2 *PS.2 ++ 5.NS.3 –– 5.C.3 –– *5.AT.3 *5.M.3 ++ *PS.3 ++ 5.NS.4 –– 5.C.4 ++ *5.AT.4 5.M.4 *PS.4 ++ 5.NS.5 –– 5.C.5 ++ *5.AT.5 ++ *5.M.5 ++ *PS.5 ++ 5.NS.6 5.C.6 –– 5.AT.6 *5.M.6 *PS.6 ++ 5.C.7 ++ 5.AT.7 *PS.7 ++ *5.C.8 ++ *5.AT.8 *PS.8 ++ *5.C.9 ++
Acuity Readiness Assessments NEW Acuity Readiness Assessments Grades 3-8, ELA and Math Aligned to the CCR 2014 Indiana Academic Standards 3 administrations/diagnostic in nature Acuity for Algebra I and English 10 Continue Predictive forms for the ECAs NEW CCR-aligned items for use by teachers
Assessment-focused Professional Development September/October Live and via recorded WebEx sessions Focused on: Use of Instructional and Assessment Guidance Sample open-ended items based on new CCR standards Technology-enhanced item types
“Experience College- and Career- Ready Assessment” Tool Technology-enhanced item types Training for students and educators Engaging and interactive Teachers are encouraged to use Experience CCRA as an instructional tool in the classroom!
Transitions: IMAST Federal regulations discontinued modified assessments after – Indiana’s version: IMAST “IMAST Transition” resources/information available Refer to Office of Student Assessment webpage IMPORTANT: Provide local support necessary to students formerly participating in IMAST
Transitions: Future Assessments (Beginning in ) Assessment Resolution passed by Education Roundtable and State Board of Education includes: Summative Assessment (Grades 3-10) Grade 10 ISTEP+ becomes new Graduation Examination Phase-out ECAs IREAD-3 Alternate assessments (Grades 3-10) Formative assessments (Grades K-10) College- and Career-Readiness Exam (Grade 11) Grade 11, 12 assessments (focused on college and career)
Resources for Assessment Guidance School Test Coordinator (STC) Corporation Test Coordinator (CTC) Office of Student Assessment Telephone: (317) Website:
Assessment and Accountability Transition School Year School Year Assessed Standards / Assessment Rigor Indiana Academic Standards (previously adopted) College- and career- ready 2014 ELA and Math Indiana Academic Standards Grade Levels Tested ISTEP+, Grades 3-8 End of Course Assessments, Grade 10 ISTAR Grades 3-8, 10 IMAST, Grades 3-8 ISTEP+, Grades 3-8 End of Course Assessments, Grade 10 NCSC, Grades 3-8, 10
School Year School Year Accountability System 2012 Accountability A-F Accountability Growth 1 Year Projected Targets Target scale scores are compared to actual scale scores to categorize Low, Typical, or High Growth. 1 Year Projected Targets with equi-percentile concordance Target scale scores are compared to actual scale scores to categorize Low, Typical, or High Growth. (Note: Due to the assessment transition, an equi-percentile concordance will be utilized to translate the target score from the previous assessment scale to a target score on the new assessment scale. Additional validations will be implemented to ensure continuity during the transition.) Growth Availability Grade Levels Grades 4-8 AMO (Annual Measureable Objectives) 2012 Baseline2015 Baseline will be determined
Assessment and Accountability Transition School Year School Year Educator Effectiveness Growth Rating Student Growth Percentile The median SGP along with the standard error is used to generate Educator Effectiveness Growth Ratings (1-4 or 1-5). Student Growth Percentile The median SGP along with the standard error is used to generate Educator Effectiveness Growth Ratings (1-4 or 1-5). (Note: While Student Growth Percentiles are assessment neutral, results will be closely evaluated to ensure accuracy in calculation as well as fidelity in implementation of new academic standards.) Educator Effectiveness Growth Ratings Grade Levels Grades 4-8 Educator Effectiveness Negative Impact Median SGP less than 15 and Mean ISTEP+ scale score decrease of 15 points Median SGP less than 15 and equivalence of Mean ISTEP+ scale score decrease of 15 points
Communities of Practice Support teachers with new standards Promote state-wide collaboration Open, peer-to-peer space
Communities of Practice 56 Communities 2500 Educators & Growing!
Communities of Practice
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Team Reconvene Key Questions for Indiana Academic Standards (2014) Implementation Action Planning Template
Follow Up Please complete the survey, facilitated by Great Lakes Comprehensive Center, here: Participants will receive a follow up with a link to request professional growth points (PGPs) for your participation today