Elephants’ Toothpaste A tower of foam emerges from a graduated cylinder
Purpose To observe the rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide when treated with a catalyst
Demonstration The hydrogen peroxide had a few drops of detergent in it When potassium iodide KI was added it catalyzed the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide The oxygen gas bubbled causing the detergent to foam 2H 2 O 2 2H 2 O + O 2 bubble
Concepts 1.Decomposition Reactions 2.Peroxides 3.Gases
1.Decomposition Reactions Any reaction of the general form ABA+ B In a decomposition reaction a single substance breaks into two or more substances We say the original substance has “decomposed” which means it has broken apart
2.Peroxides A compound which has an oxygen- oxygen bond Hydrogen peroxide is a common peroxide Chemical formula H 2 O 2 Chemical structure HOO H
3.Gases Occupy much greater volume than the solid or liquid substances from which they are formed Expand to fill or escape the container they are in Will foam in the presence of a detergent as in this demonstration
Conclusions Hydrogen peroxide decomposed to form oxygen gas and water when treated with a catalyst When trapped in detergent, the oxygen gas bubbles expanded and a foaming tower was produced
Comments Many different peroxides are known to exist Benzoyl peroxide is a peroxide used in acne medication which released oxygen to kill facial bacteria