VCU Academic and Career Exploration Program: Supported Education Model Tri-Annual Emily Couric Community Colloquium November 5, 2004 Elizabeth E. Getzel Project Director
Principles of Academic/Career Exploration Program Consumer-driven (open entry/exit) Individualized support system of community and university resources Resources structured to meet short and long-term goals Resources structured around individual’s career choice
Reasons for Program Retention Student feedback need for career exploration Student feedback need for technology Determine effectiveness of different student services models Determine effectiveness of model for students with TBI and SCI
Academic and Career Exploration Program at VCU Four Components: 1. Establishing and Using Community Linkages 2. Recruitment/Intake of Participants 3. Development/Implementation of Academic and Career Plan 4. Evaluation
Framework of Model Direct CoachingMonitoringConsultation Self-advocacy skills Understanding impact of disability on learning Awareness of campus and community resources Exposure to technology and how to incorporate into their learning Identifying informational interviews/job shadowing experiences Providing information on ADA and developing plan to disclose to employer Assisting students to transfer accommodations and strategies to long- term work setting Utilizing campus and community resources Incorporating learning strategies and accommodations into their learning Using technology devices or software in their learning Using self-advocacy skills in obtaining needed services and supports Student notifies program on an as needed basis Fully using accommodations and strategies Progressing in course of study at VCU
Services: Learning Strategies Understanding disability, effective ways to disclose to professors Time management/organizational skills Study plans including use of flash cards and other memory retrieval strategies Testing taking strategies
Services: Technology Interventions Text-to-speech software for reading textbooks, taking tests, proof reading, reading the Web Left handed reacher to increase independence Customized field placement forms on computer to assist student in gathering client information
Services: Technology Interventions Word prediction software to increase writing efficiency Speech-to-text software to increase writing efficiency One handed keyboards to increase writing efficiency
Services: Career Related Interventions Effective ways to disclose to clinical staff and employers Resume writing and interview skills Stress management and interpersonal skills Designed short-term clinical experiences to practice application skills
Services: Connect to Community and Campus Supports DRS for current evaluation VCU work study program VCU Alumni Externship program VCU Counseling and Career Center
Progress Report: Students Secured summer work experiences for students through Federal Work Force Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities Connected students with Virginia Youth Network Mentoring Program
Progress Report: Students Arranged informational interviews in course of study, for example interviews with history teacher and administrators at high school level Obtained internship opportunity for student Students progressing in their program of studies
Progress Report: Development of Consortium Consortium members: VCU, VSU, JSRCC, JTCC, GCC, VUU Learn how the program works in other higher education environments Determine if issues similar across higher education campuses
Progress Report: Development of Consortium Effective method to outreach with other campuses Concern about reaching/impacting number of college students with TBI and SCI