Safety in the Workplace
Body Mechanics The way in which the body moves and maintains balance while making the most efficient use of all its parts.
Reasons for Using Good Body Mechanics Muscles work best when used properly Correct use of muscles makes lifting, pulling and pushing easier Correct applications of body mechanics prevents unnecessary fatigue and strain and saves energy Correct application of body mechanics prevents injury to self and others
8 Basic Rules of Good Body Mechanics 1.Maintain a Broad Base of support Feet 8-10 inches apart One foot slightly forward Balance weight on both feet Point toes in the direction of movement Bend from the hips and knees to get close to an object and keep back straight - Do not bend from the waist
Use the strongest muscles to do the job. - located in the shoulders, upper arms, hips and thighs Use the weight of your body to push or pull an object. - push, pull or slide instead of lift Carry heavy object close to your body. Avoid twisting your body. Turn your body and feet to change direction Avoid bending for a long period of time. If a patient or object is too heavy, get help.
Preventing Accidents & Injuries Use MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets Must provide product information Protection or precautions while handling product Instructions for the use of the product Procedures for handling spills, clean-up and disposal of product Emergency 1st aid for injuries from product
Equipment and Solutions Do not operate or use any equipment until you have been instructed on its use Read and follow operating instructions Do not operate any equipment unless your instructor is in the room Report all damaged or malfunction equipment immediately Do not use frayed or damaged electrical cords
Never use solution in bottles that are not labeled Read all labels 3 times to be sure you have the correct solution Do not mix any solutions together unless your instructor tell you Avoid contact with skin or eyes Report all broken equipment and clean up any spills
Patient /Resident Safety Do not perform any procedure unless you have been instructed to Provide privacy for patients/residents – knock, call the persons name before going behind a drawn curtain, draw curtain for privacy before performing a procedure Always identity your patient. Ask their name, check wrist bands, check chart
Always explain the procedure to the patients Always explain the procedure to the patients. Answer questions and get consent Observe patient safety Check all patient areas for safety hazards. Report any unsafe conditions. Before leaving patients – be sure patient is comfortable, bed is in the lowest position, bedrails are up, wheels of the bed are locked, and call bell within their reach.
Personal Safety It is your responsibility to protect yourself from injury Use correct body mechanics Wear required uniform and ID Walk don’t run, walk on the right Report all injuries and accidents to your supervisor If you see an unsafe situation, report it Wash your hands frequently
Dry your hands through before using electrical equipment When carrying/lifting a patient, review procedure with your partner. NO horseplay or practical jokes
Fire Safety For a fire to start it needs three things Fuel – anything that will burn Oxygen/air Heat – sparks, fire, flames
Fire Extinguishers Class A Class B Class C Class ABC water Carbon dioxide Class C Dry chemical Class ABC Graphite type chemical Can be used on all fires
Fire Emergency Plan Move all patients and personnel in immediate danger Activate alarm Close all doors and windows Shut off electrical equipment and oxygen Do not use the elevators
RACE R A C E Rescue anyone in immediate danger Activate alarm Confine the fire E Extinguish the fire
PASS P – pull pin A – aim nozzle at base of fire S – squeeze handle S – sweep base of fire
Evacuation Plans Move horizontally first All fire doors will automatically close Move vertically Move ambulatory patients first, then those that need help Do not use the floors directly above or below for evacuation