What is an interview??? Have you ever attended an Interview? CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Starter a. 6 b. 1 c. 10 d. 2 e. 5 f. 9 g. 7 h. 11 i. 8 j. 3 k. 15 l. 13 CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
A motherboard is the central printed circuit board (PCB) in many modern computers and holds many of the crucial components of the system, providing connectors for other peripherals. The motherboard is sometimes alternatively known as the system board CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
from scratch (phr.): from the beginning, without using anything that already exists Ex: Ali’s essay was very bad and his teacher told him that he should write it again from the beginning, it took 3 days to write it from scratch. put one’s points across (phr. v.): to express one’s ideas clearly and effectively so that others can see what they are really like. Yesterday we had an argument with my best friend, hopefully I could put my point across and we settled the argument. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
career move (phr.): an action or change of job that helps you to be successful in your career. Insulting the boss’s daughter was not a good career move. practical component (phr.): the part of something including practice As a practical component, the students taking ceramics course should make ceramic materials such as vase, bowl etc. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Throw into (phr. v) :to do something actively and enthusiastically She's thrown herself into this new job. Assemble (v): to bring parts together in a single group You have to assemble the parts of the desk on your own. Manual (n) : a book containing instructions for doing sth especailly operating a machine. Check the manual before starting the machine, or else you may encounter some problems CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Paul is 24. He has a Higher National Certificate in Computing and a Higher National Diploma in Computing Support. He works for a company providing support services.
Listening- 2 (answer the questions) 1. HW installation& Maintenance, Info Tech Applications, Software Development, Communication, Mathematics for Computing 2. Planning, design, programming 3. There seeemed to be more jobs in support, so support seemed a better career move 4. Assembling computers 5. Maths CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Listening ImprovementReason Change the programming component Pascal and COBOL are not in demand Work experienceEmployers are looking for it SubjectExample Learning AccessHas had to design databases for customers Systems buildingHas had to assemble computers for customers CommunicationMaking presentations to customers, job interviews CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Listening 4 1. When he has gone to customers who want sth fixed that he does not know about 2. Books, manuals, PC magazines, the internet, Microsoft websites and the manufacturers websites 3. None formally, but one lecturer gave the students some advice on where to look. 4. It was full of mistakes so you had to check it against other books to make sure what was right 5. He’d like to do a degree some time but getting the time and the money to do this is difficult. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
back up (phr.v):to make a copy of information on your computer build up (phr. v.): to create or develop sth Eg. Build up a website catch up (phr. v.): to reach the same quality or standard as someone or something else He was off school for a while and is finding it hard to catch up. free up (phr. up): to make something available to be used I need to free up some time this weekend to finish the report. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
keep up (phr. v.): to be able to understand or deal with something that is happening or changing very fast I read the papers to keep up with what's happening in the outside world. set up (phr. v.): establish, prepare start up (phr. v.): to switch on a machine or engine, especially a motor vehicle upgrade (v): to improve the quality or usefulness of something, such as a machine or a computer program update (v) : to make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
1. Back up 2. Upgrade 3. Free up 4. Uploaded 5. Start up 6. Update 7. Starts up 8. Set up 9. Keep up/ catch up 10. Keep up/ catch up 11. Built up CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT