© 2014 wheresjenny.com Psychology
© 2014 wheresjenny.com Psychology What is Psychology? Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. Psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases, and by many accounts it ultimately aims to benefit society.
© 2014 wheresjenny.com Psychology Cognition: In science, cognition is the set of all mental abilities and processes related to knowledge: attention, memory & working memory, judgment & evaluation, reasoning & "computation", problem solving & decision making, comprehension & production of language, etc. Social behavior: social behavior is behavior directed towards society, or taking place between members of the same species. Resilience: It is the ability to spring back to an original form after having been squeezed, stretched, etc. the ability to recover quickly from illness, misfortune, troubles. Vocabulary
© 2014 wheresjenny.com Psychology How to create positive psychology at workplace? Less stress at work Keep work violence away Shift attention from job insecurity
© 2014 wheresjenny.com Psychology Psychological tests are becoming an increasingly popular way for companies to screen candidates for potential jobs. Whether you think they are worthwhile or not, it is important that, as a job-seeker, you are familiar with the different types of tests and that you understand what is being asked of you in the different circumstances. Psychological Testing
© 2014 wheresjenny.com Psychology 10 tips when going to be psychologically tested for a new job: Don’t try to second-guess what the potential employer might be looking for – be yourself! Make sure they will give you a feedback session afterwards, and not just a written, computer-generated report. You are spending your valuable time on this. You deserve a feedback session with a trained psychologist. Ask them about why they are using psychological testing. If they say ‘to save time’ – not so good. If they say ‘to compare with existing employees – we’ve been using this test for years and it’s very helpful for matching the right person to the right job’ – more encouraging! Ask them why they are using this particular test and not others – appear knowledgeable and savvy to potential employers. Ask them ahead of time about the psychological tests they use and look them up in the book. If they are not there, check them out on the website of the British Psychological Society. If they are not there either it might be that the potential employer is using a ‘cheap and dirty’ exercise. Draw your own conclusions!
© 2014 wheresjenny.com Psychology Take your time during the test but don’t ponder too long. Try to be consistent or it might look like you are trying to present yourself in an unnatural way. If you don’t understand the wording ask the test administrator for an explanation. Ask for the test in your native language if this is not English. Many reputable tests are available in many languages. Most tests are designed for native speakers. If you don’t get the job – it is probably not that you ‘failed’ the test, unless it’s not a personality test as such but testing specific technical skills, which you don’t have. Most hiring decisions are based on interviews and competencies as well, not on psychological test results alone.
© 2014 wheresjenny.com Psychology 1How would you describe the color of the sea? a)Dark blue b) clear c) green d) murky 2Which part of a mountain would you like to be at? 3 What shape do you like the most? a)Circle b) square c) triangle 4 From question#3, how big would you like this object to be? a)Very small b) small c) medium d) big e) very big 5From question#3, what material should it be made of? a) Wood b) glass c) diamond d) metal 6Picture a horse in your mind. What color is it? a)Brown b) black c) white 7 You are walking along a corridor and you see two doors. One is on your immediate left five paces away, and the other is at the end of the corridor. Both doors are open. You find a key on the floor right in front of you. Would you pick it up? a)Yes b) no 8 A storm is coming. Which would you choose? a) A car b) a house