Chemistry Life Science Astronomy 100 Physics Earth Science Original version by Shotwell Middle School Cycles Measurement
Chemistry 100 The name of the vertical columns in a periodic table. Answer = What are groups?
Chemistry 200 The name of the horizontal rows in the periodic table. Answer = What are periods?
Chemistry 300 l Is this a balanced or unbalanced equation? l SO3 + H2O H2SO4 Answer = What is balanced?
Chemistry 400 The name of the scientist that is credited with creating the periodic table of elements. Answer = Who is Dmitri Mendeleev?
Chemistry 500 What all of the elements in the same period have in common. Answer = What is the same number of energy levels?
Chemistry 600 What all of the elements in the same group/family have in common. Answer = What is the same number of valence electrons?
Chemistry 700 Found on the right side of the periodic table. Answer = What are non-metals?
Chemistry 800 The number of protons in an atom of an element is called the- Answer = What is the atomic number?
Chemistry 900 The name of the group of elements that are the most reactive. Answer = What is Alkali Metals?
Chemistry 1000 Answer = What are metalloids? The name of the elements that have properties of both metals and non-metals
Physics 100 A woman bends her arm at the elbow in order to lift a 25 pound weight in her hand. In this example, her arm acts as what type of simple machine? A woman bends her arm at the elbow in order to lift a 25 pound weight in her hand. In this example, her arm acts as what type of simple machine? Answer = What is a lever?
Physics 200 Distance divided by time is equal to Answer = What is speed?
Physics 300 Keesha mows her neighbor’s lawn with a gasoline powered lawn mower. Which best describes the transformation of energy that occurs? A. Chemical energy → kinetic energy → thermal energy B. Potential energy → kinetic energy → chemical energy C. Electrical energy → chemical energy →kinetic energy D. Thermal energy → kinetic energy → nuclear energy Answer = What is A?
Physics 400 Daily Double The average kinetic energy of the particles of an object is measured by the object’s. Answer = What is temperature?
Physics 500 What law states that the net force on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration? Answer = What is Newton’s 2 nd Law of Motion?
Compounds 600 The property of an element that we use to identify the element. It is unique to each element. Answer = What is atomic number?
Compounds 700 This is how many servings are in one container. Answer = What is 8?
Compounds 800 The volume of the rock if the water was at 60 before the rock was put in Answer = What is 16ml?
Measurement 400 Answer = What is Material 2 Students place water and metal in a plastic foam container. The table shows information about each substance. Which material has the greatest density?
Measurement 200 Refer to the diagram. In instrument C, what is the value of each division between 11 and 13? Answer = What is 0.2
Measurement 300 Daily Double Answer = What is 75 cm 3 ? The volume of an egg and water in a graduated beaker is 200ml. After the egg is removed, the volume of the water is found to be 125ml. What is the volume of the egg in cm³?
Measurement 400 The volume of the water went down when the object was removed from the graduate. This is The volume of the object. Answer = What is 9ml?
Measurement 500 Answer = What is 66 g? The empty flask has a mass of 50 grams. What is the mass of the substance in the flask?
Law of… 500 This is what happens to the number of protons of the elements as you move to the right on the periodic table. Answer = What is increases?
Earth Science 100 Frequent earthquakes and volcanic occur in an area of the Pacific Ocean called The Ring of Fire. Which of the following leads to these events? A.Earth’s rotation on its axis B.The formation of canyons C.Movement of tectonic plates D.Rise in ocean surface temperatures Answer = What is C?
Earth Science 200 Two tectonic plates colliding create what type of boundary? Answer = What is a convergent boundary?
Earth Science 300 This occurs when one tectonic plate is more dense and moves under another plate. Answer = What is subduction?
Earth Science 400 l Worth 3 TIMES the Value Who stated that all the continents had once been joined together in a single landmass and have since drifted apart? Answer = Who is Alfred Wegener?
Earth Science 500 Stars are classified according to their Answer = What is size, brightness, and temperature
Astronomy 100 The most common chemical element in a star is Answer = What is hydrogen?
Astronomy 200 The theory that states the universe was formed by an enormous explosion about 10 to 15 billion years ago is the Answer = What is the big bang
Astronomy 300 What causes Earth’s seasons? Answer = What is the tilt of the Earth on its axis
Astronomy 400 The length of a day on Earth is determined by the time required for one complete Answer = What is rotation of Earth?
Astronomy 500 lWlWorth 4 TIMES the Value The three main categories of galaxies Answer = What are spiral, elliptical, & irregular
The diagram above represents the phases of the moon. Position 1 represents the new moon. Positions 2 through 8 represent the phases of the moon that follow. Which phase does position 8 represent? Answer = What is waning crescent? Cycles 100
Cycles 200 When a sedimentary rock changes shape under heat and pressure but does not melt completely, it becomes which type of rock? Answer = What is metamorphic rock?
The diagram shows the orbit of the moon around Earth. Between which two points will the moon appear to change from a new moon to a quarter moon? Answer = What is T and Q? Cycles 300
Cycles 400 Which gas in the atmosphere would decrease if a large area of tropical rainforest were planted? Answer = What is carbon dioxide?
Cycles 500 Answer = What is nitrogen fixation? The process of changing free nitrogen gas into a usable form of nitrogen is called
Life Science 100 Glossy leaves are smooth and shiny. What percent of offspring from the cross shown will have glossy leaves? Answer = What is 50%
Life Science 200 Which human body systems directly interact to distribute oxygen to all cells for energy production and to remove carbon dioxide and other wastes that are produced in the cell’s chemical processes? Answer = What is circulatory and respiratory?
Life Science 300 Answer = What is photosynthesis? This is the name of the process where plants make their own food from energy given off by the sun.
Life Science 400 One difference between plant and animal cells is that animal cells lack Answer = What is the cell wall or chloroplasts?
Life Science 500 Answer = What is the endocrine system? Which organ system of the human body is responsible for secreting hormones that influence bone development and growth?