The Middle East during the Cold War
Creation of present day borders After World War I, the League of Nations set up __________ in the Middle East The land was temporarily controlled by European countries until they were “ready for independence”
French control: Syria, Lebanon British control: Iraq, Jordan, Palestine
After World War II… Mandates were granted ______________ Israel was created as a Jewish state out of _________________ Why? What had happened during WWII?
Based on this map, who would have been happy about the creation of Israel? Who would have been angry about the creation if Israel?
War! After Israel declared its statehood in 1948, the surrounding Arab countries launched an attack Why? Israel wins the war and enlarged its territory, but: the Arab states refused to accept Israel as a legitimate state Palestinians were left with no state at all, creating a huge refugee problem that still affects the area today
After the war… Several other wars have been fought since the first Arab-Israeli war Results: Israel’s borders have shifted, and they have made peace treaties with some of their Arab neighbors The question of statehood for Palestine has not been answered, and most Palestinians live in occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza, with high unemployment and severe restrictions on travel
Why is there conflict in Israel and Palestine today?
Important Leaders in the Middle East Golda Meir Israel’s 4th Prime Minister Known for strong reputation Led Israel during their victorious Yom Kippur war Sought help from the United States
Important Leaders in the Middle East Gamal Abdul Nasser President of Egypt, 1956-70 Challenged Western dominance in the Middle East Modernized Egypt Nationalized the Suez Canal Took control of the Canal away from European countries Built the Aswan High Dam Helped control Nile flooding and provide power Soviets helped finance the dam
War! After Israel declared its statehood in 1948, the _________________________ launched an attack Why? __________ wins the war and enlarged its territory, but: the Arab states refused to accept Israel as a legitimate state ______________ were left with no state at all, creating a huge __________ problem that still affects the area today
After the war… Several other wars have been fought since the first Arab-Israeli war Results: Israel’s borders have shifted, and they have made peace treaties with some of their Arab neighbors The question of statehood for Palestine has not been answered, and most Palestinians live in occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza, with high unemployment and severe restrictions on travel
Why is there conflict in Israel and Palestine today? Israelis feel ________________________ ___________________________________ Palestinians feel ____________________
Important Leaders in the Middle East _______________ ____________4th Prime Minister Known for strong reputation Led Israel during their victorious __________ __________ Sought help from the _________________
Important Leaders in the Middle East ____________________ President of __________, 1956-70 Challenged Western dominance in the Middle East _______________ Egypt Nationalized the _______ _____________ Took control of the Canal away from European countries Built the ______________ Helped control Nile flooding and provide power ___________ helped finance the dam