Disembarkment Day June 6, 1944 Invasion of Europe
Fortress Europe (Invincible) n Germany has had four years to prepare for this day n French coast is heavily fortified pill boxespill boxes anti-tank barriersanti-tank barriers good internal supply linesgood internal supply lines
Operation Overlord n Years in preparation n Need to initally hit the beach with: 176,475 men176,475 men 20,111 vehicles (trucks, jeeps, etc.)20,111 vehicles (trucks, jeeps, etc.) 1,500 tanks1,500 tanks 12,000 plane providing air cover12,000 plane providing air cover –Germany has been reduced to 119 fighters
Why Normandy ? n Least heavily protected stretch of coast because it is the most forbidding n We can capture the port of Cherbourg Germans blew up the docks but Germans blew up the docks but Allies had anticipated that and had constructed docks they floated over and sank in the harborAllies had anticipated that and had constructed docks they floated over and sank in the harbor
Invasion Route & Destination
Invasion Map
Germans Caught by surprise! n Rommel had returned to Germany n Allowed the allies to take the beaches before a Panzer tank division was sent in n By June 27, one million men had been unloaded at the port of Cherbourg
Invasion of Germany n Aachen is the first German city taken in Oct of 1944 (Only bridge standing crossing the Rhine River) n Battle of the Bulge Germans want to take the port city of Antwerp(Belgium)Germans want to take the port city of Antwerp(Belgium) German Panzer division and best infantry push a 60 to 90 mile bulge in allied linesGerman Panzer division and best infantry push a 60 to 90 mile bulge in allied lines City of Bastogne surrounded 101st airborne trapped, saved by PattonCity of Bastogne surrounded 101st airborne trapped, saved by Patton
Battle of Bulge Statistics n Over 1 million men fight in battle n 600,000 Americans involved in battle (more than Gettysburg) n 500,000 German involved in battle n 55,000 British involved in battle n n 100,000 German casualties, killed, wounded or captured. n n 81,000 American casualties, including 23,554 captured and 19,000 killed. n n 1,400 British casualties 200 killed. n n The Malmedy Massacre, where 86 American soldiers were murdered, was the worst atrocity committed against American troops during the course of the war in Europe. n n In it's entirety, the “Battle of the Bulge,” was the worst battles - in terms of losses - to the American Forces in WWII.
Bastogne Battle Map
Important Facts for End of WWII in Europe n April 29, Hitler commits suicide n May 7, General Alfred Jodl surrenders German army to Allies n May 8, V-E Day n (Victory in Europe)