1 privecsg IEEE 802 EC Privacy Recommendation Study Group Update to March 2015 Plenary meeting Juan Carlos Zuniga, InterDigital Labs (EC SG Chair)
2 privecsg IEEE 802 Internet Privacy Tutorial IEEE 802 Plenary Meeting –San Diego, July 14 th 2014 Title: –Pervasive Surveillance of the Internet – Designing Privacy into Internet Protocols Speakers –Ted Hardie (IETF IAB) –Alissa Cooper (Cisco Systems) –Lily Chen (NIST) –Piers O’Hanlon (Oxford Internet Institute) –Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital Labs)
3 privecsg IEEE 802 Internet Privacy Tutorial - Summary The Tutorial provided an update on the recent concerns about Internet privacy, the actions that IETF is taking, and the guidelines that are being followed when developing new specifications (e.g. RFC Privacy Considerations for Internet Protocols) Highlighted Privacy concerns applicable specifically to Link Layer technologies, and provided suggestions on how IEEE 802 can help addressing them The idea of developing an IEEE 802 recommended practices document, similar to the one produced by IETF (e.g. RFC 6973) was suggested and supported by several IEEE 802 members from different WGs
4 privecsg IEEE 802 EC Privacy SG – Background Creation of an Executive Committee Study Group on Privacy Recommendations ( ) –Currently chartered to run until March 2015 –Expecting renewal for one more cycle Advanced most work with teleconferences and discussions
5 privecsg IEEE 802 EC Privacy SG – Scope The IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) Privacy Recommendation SG will study privacy issues related to IEEE 802 technologies and consider the need for a recommended practice applicable to IEEE 802 protocols. If such a need is identified, the SG will determine whether the IEEE 802 criteria for standards development (CSD) support the initiation of a project and, if so, it will prepare a PAR for consideration by the IEEE 802 Executive Committee.
6 privecsg Call for Contributions Topics considered by SG include: (1)Threat Model for Privacy at Link Layer (2)Privacy Issues at Link Layer (3) Proposals regarding functionalities in IEEE 802 protocols to improve Privacy (4) Proposals regarding measuring levels of Privacy on Internet protocols (5) Implications of MAC address changes (6) Other…
7 privecsg Privacy EC SG - Progress so far 3 September 2014, EC SG Teleconference Priv Rec EC SG presentations at 802.1/802.3 WGs Interim meeting in Ottawa, Canada - Sep 8 and 9 Priv Rec EC SG presentations at 802 Wireless WGs interim meeting in Athens, Greece – week of Sep 15 1 October 2014, EC SG Teleconference 22 October 2014, EC SG Teleconference Several discussions on the mailing list, especially about MAC-based tracking threats, possible solutions and implications
8 privecsg Privacy EC SG - Progress so far November 4&6, 2014, during the IEEE 802 Plenary meeting in San Antonio, TX, USA –MAC Privacy trial during IETF 91 meeting 10 December 2014, (10:00 AM ET), Teleconference January 2015, IEEE Interim meeting in Atlanta, GA, USA –Preliminary report about MAC address randomization 4 February 2015, (10:00 AM ET), Teleconference –PAR/CSD pre-circulation 8-13 March 2015, IEEE 802 Plenary meeting in Berlin, Germany –MAC Privacy trial during IEEE 802 plenary meeting
9 privecsg Berlin March Plenary Meeting Two meeting slots, both at meeting room ECC4 –Tuesday Eve (19:30-21:30), and Thursday AM1 (8:00-10:00) MAC address randomization trial –SSID: “ieee802_privacy_trial” – wifi-privacy-experiement-at-802- berlin-plenary.pptxhttps://mentor.ieee.org/privecsg/dcn/15/privecsg wifi-privacy-experiement-at-802- berlin-plenary.pptx PAR / CSD comments resolution –Privacy threat model and recommended practices Next steps for Privacy EC SG –Renewal of SG, PAR submission, etc.
10 privecsg Resources EC SG Web Page – Mailing list (reflector) Mentor (document repository) – RFC Privacy Considerations for Internet Protocols –