Vera Abresch Julie Lemke Growing a STEM Program
S.T.E.M. Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
Realistic Projects… Help students discover the value of academic courses. Encourage student motivation. New Experiences… Reach different learning styles. Build confidence. Create interest in future jobs. Using Technology that’s Already Part of Student’s Lives… Develops critical thinking & problem- solving skills. Encourages team work.
Our STEM Story Vera Abresch Mentor Teacher in Science Attended AFRL Teacher Institute Julie Lemke 1 st -Year Teacher Excited about Technology but NEW to Teaching Science Encouraged to Attend AFRL Teacher Institute
STEM encouraged both of us to broaden the scope of our student projects. We began brainstorming ideas and problem-solving together. We started writing grants to fund our growing technology needs, and each of us was successful! We worked together as a TEAM and continue to work together even though we are a state apart! Our STEM Story
Design a wind turbine that produces the most energy.
S: Alternative Energy Investigation (Wind), Experimental Design T: Multi-meter (Determine electrical output), Vernier Probes (Graph voltage and current output) E: Wind Turbines Design (blades, angles, quantity, placement) M: Estimated Surface Area, Data Analysis, Wind Power Formula
Grade Level:6 th and Up (possibly 5 th ) Amount of Time: 6 45-min periods Needed Equipment: Kit from KidWind, FanKidWind Approximate Cost: $70 per kit (1-2 kits per classw/ additional $10 per hub (1 hub per group) Watch for SALES!
Build a self- sustaining, closed ecosystem that can support one or more secondary consumers
S:Ecosystems, Element Cycles, Organism Identification, Energy Transfer, Limiting Factors T:Microscopes, Vernier Light & Temperature Sensors E:Ecosystem “Building” M:Data Gathering, Graphing, & Analysis
Grade Level:6 th and Up (possibly 5 th ) Amount of Time: min period per week (approx. 7 weeks) Needed Equipment: Big Jars (Pickle), Microscopes (Light, Dissecting, Digital Microscopes), Thermometers or Temperature Probes, Light Probes, Mud and Water from the Environment Approximate Cost: Depends on your current Science supplies (Adaptable to your situation!)
Design a roller coaster and calculate different types of energy.
S: Potential & Kinetic Energy T: Vernier Photogate, Tools, Google Sketch-Up, Online Roller Coaster Games E:Designing, Building, & Testing Roller Coaster M: Gather & Analyze Data, Velocity, Calculate Potential & Kinetic Energy & G-Forces, Measure Mass
Grade Level:8 th Grade Amount of Time: min class periods Needed Equipment: Vernier Photogate Sensor or Stopwatches, Balance, Meter Stick, Tape Measure, Ball Bearings, (Student are responsible for any building materials) Approximate Cost: $45-Photogate
Design a zoo enclosure for an animal based on your city’s climate.
S: Biomes, Food Webs, Animal Habitats & Needs T: HTML Programming, Webpage Creation, Google Sketch-up or Paint, Inspiration E: Zoo Enclosure Design for Chosen Animal M: Temperature & Rainfall Data Analysis, Programming Logic
Grade Level:6 th Grade and Up Amount of Time: 2 45-min class periods per week (approx. 10 weeks) Needed Equipment:Computers, Internet, Inspiration Software, Google Sketch-up or Paint Approximate Cost: None!
Siberian Tiger Zebra Koala Piranha Poison Dart Frog
Build and program a robotic car to complete any number of tasks!
S: Electricity, Electromagnetic Radiation, Sound & Frequency T: PBASIC Programming, Binary vs. Analog, Google Sketch-up, Skype E: Build Robot Using a Breadboard M: Rotational Velocity Calculation, Measurement, Proportional Analysis, Directionality, Detection Distances vs. Resistance
Grade Level:8 th Grade Amount of Time: Min Class Periods MINIMUM Needed Equipment:Boe-Bot Kit (2-3 students per kit), Computer, Free Software, Batteries (9V and AA) Approximate Cost: $160 per kit w/ bundling discounts Parallax
PTL Targeted Fundraiser Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and other Military Bases Society of Automatic Engineers (SAE) Businesses (Sandia Labs, Intel, GE, Dow Chemical, etc.)
Grants Follow the directions. Think of a creative angle. Be willing to spend the time. Seek honest criticism. Just try! And try! And try again!
Technology: It’s Not Just Computers! Vernier Probes and Sensors Digital Cameras, Flip Cameras Microscopes (Light, Dissecting, Digital) Graphing Calculators Robots SMART Board & SMART Response System Document Cameras IPods and IPads
Helpful Software & Internet Programs Google SketchUp Noodle Tools Skype Scratch Wordle Inspiration Logger Lite & Logger Pro (Vernier Probes) Movie Maker, PhotoStory, and other similar programs
Along with other great resources! Find this Presentation on the WEB!
Vera Abresch Christ Lutheran School Albuquerque, NM Middle School Math, Science & Technology Julie Lemke St. John’s Lutheran School Denver, CO Middle School Language Arts & Technology