Measurement Activity Work with the team at your row Work together to measure your table’s length and width with the object you were assigned Write your answers on the slip of paper. We will share with the class to compare data.
Binder clip
Measurement Activity Why is it important to have ONE standard, agreed-upon system of measurement? What are some things to consider when we are measuring that makes us more accurate?
Why do we use the Metric System? MEASUREMENT NOTES Why do we use the Metric System? What equipment do we use to measure with?
LEARNING OBJECTIVE Understand what system of measurement scientists use Know six common metric prefixes
The Metric System Also known as “SI MEASUREMENT” SI stands for “ System International” or International System of Measurement.
The Metric System
The Metric System
The Metric System American Chopper vs. Metric System US Switch to Metric System Metric Mishap:
The Metric System What about it? Common language for scientists Based on units of 10. Move the decimal place to go to larger or smaller units Prefixes determine “how much” of a unit
METRIC PREFIXES KILO (k) = 1000 HECTO (h) = 100 DECA (da) = 10 BASE UNIT (liter, meter, gram) = ONE DECI (d) = 1/10 or 0.1 CENTI (c) =1/100 or .01) MILLI (m)=1/1000 or .001)
The Metric System Easy way to remember the order of prefixes: Kids Have Dreams But Dreams Cost Money
LEARNING ACTIVITIES A Brief History of Measurement Videoclip The Metric System Videoclip Metric Interactive Website
TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVES DID YOU MASTER IT? Understand what system of measurement scientists use Know six common metric prefixes Thumbs Assessment—thumbs up for I got it; thumbs to the side for I am getting it; thumbs down for I don’t get it
LEARNING OBJECTIVE Understand that meters are the metric unit for length or distance Know how to use a ruler/meterstick to measure length
METRIC BASE UNITS LENGTH/DISTANCE = METER Measure with a metric ruler or meterstick or tape measure Remember, there are 10 millimeters in one centimeter
LEARNING OBJECTIVE DID YOU MASTER IT? Understand that meters are the metric unit for length or distance Know how to use a ruler/meterstick to measure length Use after the Length Lab
TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVE Understand that liters are the metric unit for volume Know how to use a graduated cylinder or ruler to measure volume Thumbs Assessment—thumbs up for I got it; thumbs to the side for I am getting it; thumbs down for I don’t get it
VOLUME (how much space something takes up) METRIC UNIT FOR LIQUIDS= LITER Measure with a graduated cylinder Always read at eye level from the bottom of the curvy line (called the meniscus) 12 32 1.6 18
Measuring Volume Clip
VOLUME (how much space something takes up) METRIC UNIT FOR SOLIDS= CUBIC CMs (cm3) You can use a RULER for some things. Measure length, width, and height of the object and then MULTIPLY [length x width x height]
VOLUME (how much space something takes up) If the object is irregularly shaped and fits into a graduated cylinder, you could use the method of displacement Measure an amount of water into the graduated cylinder. Record this number. Add the object and observe the water line go up. Subtract the difference between the first and second number. That is the volume of your object.
VOLUME (how much space something takes up) Note: 1 cubic centimeter (cm3) is the same amount as 1 mL. The units are interchangeable.
LEARNING ACTIVITIES Volume Lab Parts 1-3 today Part 4 tomorrow
TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVE Did You Master It? Understand that liters are the metric unit for volume Know how to use a graduated cylinder or ruler to measure volume Thumbs Assessment—thumbs up for I got it; thumbs to the side for I am getting it; thumbs down for I don’t get it
TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVE Understand that GRAMS are the metric unit for mass Know how to use a balance to measure mass Thumbs Assessment—thumbs up for I got it; thumbs to the side for I am getting it; thumbs down for I don’t get it
MASS (how much matter something is made of) METRIC UNIT = GRAM Measure with a TRIPLE BEAM BALANCE or ELECTRONIC SCALE
MASS (how much matter something is made of) TRIPLE BEAM BALANCE beam pan rider Zero knob balance point frame brake
Triple Beam Balance The Triple Beam Balance has 3 Riders (Weights) Front Beam holds the 1 gram rider; it slides across the beam to 10 grams Back Beam holds the 10 gram rider; it slides across the beam to 100 grams Middle Beam holds the 100 gram rider; it slides along the beam to 500 grams What is the most mass this balance can hold? 610 grams The smallest mass this balance can measure is 1/10 or 0.1 grams
Triple Beam Balance Other Notes about the Balance: Carry it with two hands When putting it away, place the largest rider all the way to the right. When weighing chemicals the pan must be kept clean and dry. Be sure to measure the mass of the container and subtract that from the total.
Triple Beam Balance Using the Balance: Move all riders to zero Check to see if the zero needle lines up to zero. If it does not, turn the zero knob (back to make it go up, toward you to make it go down) Place your object on the pan. Move the LARGE 100 gram rider first, into the notched position. Check for balance and adjust lighter or heavier. Move the MEDIUM 10 gram rider second, into the notched position. Check for balance and adjust lighter or heavier. Move the SMALL 1 gram rider by sliding it along the bar. Check for balance and adjust. ADD all the riders together for the total mass of the object. Label your number!
Triple Beam Balance
Electronic Balances Turn on the balance (be sure its plugged in). Zero the balance by pushing the zero button. If you need to measure something inside a container, you can push the zero button after putting the container on the pan. Place your object on the balance. Read the mass in gram
Triple Beam Balance Gizmo Mass Lab LEARNING ACTIVITIES Triple Beam Balance Gizmo Mass Lab
TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVE Did you master it? Understand that GRAMS are the metric unit for mass Know how to use a balance to measure mass Thumbs Assessment—thumbs up for I got it; thumbs to the side for I am getting it; thumbs down for I don’t get it
TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVE Understand that o Celsius are the metric unit for temperature Know how to use a thermometer to measure temperature Thumbs Assessment—thumbs up for I got it; thumbs to the side for I am getting it; thumbs down for I don’t get it
TEMPERATURE (measures motion of particles—more motion = higher temperature) METRIC UNIT FOR TEMPERATURE = O celsius Measure with a thermometer Watch for the alcohol to stop moving (a minute or so) Water boils at 100 and freezes at 0.
Measuring Temperature Videoclip TEMPERATURE (measures motion of particles—more motion = higher temperature) Memory Aid: 30 is hot, 20 is nice, 10 is cool, 0 is ice. Measuring Temperature Videoclip
Farenheit Scale
LEARNING ACTIVITIES Temperature Lab Temperature by Brainpop Does your blood “boil” in space?
TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVE Did you master it? Understand that o Celsius are the metric unit for temperature Know how to use a thermometer to measure mass Thumbs Assessment—thumbs up for I got it; thumbs to the side for I am getting it; thumbs down for I don’t get it
Wrap Up and Summary Metric Units by Brainpop View and complete quiz as a class
Wrap Up and Summary Write a summary (2-3 sentences) of what you learned about MEASUREMENT here:
Metric vs. Customary s by Brainpop