Professional Development Recognition Programme Robyn Dymock Education Co-ordinator March 2009
What is PDRP It is a process which acknowledges your nursing achievements It is in line with Nursing Council requirements – for additional information Measured against domains of practice – Professional responsibility, Management of Nursing Care, Interpersonal relationships and Interprofessional healthcare and quality improvement For Tairawhiti we are aligned with 4 other DHB’s – Lakes, Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Northland
Portfolio It is a collection of evidence – quality not quantity A record of your journey Contains documents such as your APC, job description, your CV, certificates, letter of attestation, peer review and your annual appraisal Also a verification of your hours of practice (450 hours within the last 3 years) Personal writings, reflections, self review
Levels There are three levels which apply to RN’s and to EN’s Competent Proficient Expert (RN’s) Accomplished (EN’s) There is a pathway for Senior Nurses in Designated Roles – Direct Client Care and Management/education/ research/policy – please contact Robyn Extn 8220
Evidence for Portfolios The evidence you provide must be: Repeatable: could perform the task again Valid: has met the criteria according to the standards Direct: as similar as possible to the actual NCNZ standards Authentic: is the work of the nurse Current: within the last three years Sufficient: enough evidence to support
PDRP workbooks There is a work book for each level – download from the PDRP link on the website Clear instruction about what to include Outline document “Guidelines for preparing your portfolio” provides additional information You have to identify the evidence –First party: what you say you do ( self review, reflection, personal statement) –Third party: what someone else says you do ( annual appraisal, letter of attestation, proof of education, teaching presentations) –You need at least one of both for each competency
Record of Professional Development Fill out record of professional development - complete for every study session you attend -Must fill out reflection on the form or more in depth reflection - this helps you recall what the day was like, how it impacts on you, what you learnt etc -Must get it signed by a senior nurse or peer who also must fill in the bottom of the page details -include copy of your certificate if issued
Performance appraisal Needs to be current ( within 12 months) Aligned with the Nursing Council competencies Each competency in each domain should be commented on Each page should be signed and dated Appraiser to include name, address and contact phone no
Self Assessment Current ( within 12 months) Each Nursing Council competency in each domain is to be commented on- your description of what you do Use the Nursing Council indicators to interpret the competencies Sign each page Evidence supplied – examples of how you meet each competency Sign, date and provide name address and ph no
Reflective Writing This is an important part of your portfolios It tells the story about your practice – not the individual but on the nursing process Reflect on : what you learned : why you did what you did : what was the thinking/rationale behind your decision : any improvements? : do different or better next time Provides proof of your competence against the level you are applying for
More reflection - Set the scene Time of day Patient allocation/acuity Familiar to setting, new to the area Key features – event/practice (Not the person) -what was my role -what actions did I take -what was I trying to achieve -what were the consequences for my practice -how did the situation affect me -how did I affect the situation
More reflection: Knowledge and Experience Identify not just what you did but why you did it – support with references Is this a new experience? If not, is this different – if so how? What were the alternatives and those outcomes for you, the patient, your colleagues and your practice?
Reflection: Broader Issues to consider Cultural Ethical Legal Social Communication What action did I take and why? What have I learnt Amalgamation of previous knowledge and new, developing a new perspective, impact on practice
Points to remember Confidentiality Do not grumble/comment about someone else’s practice Do not be judgmental It is about you Current practice- no evidence should be more than 3 years old Reflects your current area of practice
Before portfolio is submitted Each page in a separate clear file pocket Number each page with a sticker Each page signed and dated by you Relevant and current information Ensure that every piece of third party evidence is signed and dated by the person who provided it Photocopy original documents Ensure your professional development record is filled out completely and signed by your Nurse Manager or Manager Workbook is completed with evidence identified
Submission of portfolio Once you have gathered all the required evidence and information, complete and sign the submission form Take your portfolio to Robyn Dymock in Nursing and Quality Services Extn 8220 Assessor will be allocated –the assessment process is to be completed within 8 weeks, however if additional information is required by the assessor this timeframe will be adjusted according to the Northern Regional documents On successful competition, you, your CNM, Line Manager and HR will be informed. Also Nursing Council and TDH database are updated
Future for you Your PDRP status will be validated each year via the annual appraisal process Two and a half years later you will be advised your portfolio is due for re submission – at this stage you can either progress to the next level or prepare and submit a Maintenance portfolio Please contact your CNM the Education Co-ordinator Extn 8220 or any of the PDRP Assessors if you have any further questions or concerns