JAMES BLUNDELL by: Najma Abdullahi Class: Pre-med 2 Roll number:2044
TABLE OF CONTENTS Biography Early life Findings Books Lifestyle
BIOGRAPHY James Blundell Born:19 January 1791 Died;15 January 1878 Nationality :English physician Accomplishment: performed the 1st successful transfusion of human blood to a patient for treatment of a hemorrhage.
EARLY LIFE James began his education under Rev. Thomas Thomason, and his uncle, the physiologist John Haighton. He developed an interest in the medical field, and studied at Guy's Hospital in London. Like his uncle, who had developed several instruments still used today for the delivery of babies, James specialised in the field of obstetrics.John Haighton Later he graduated from the University of Edinburgh Medical School with his MD in A year later He began his career in London by lecturing on midwifery and physiology. [2] [2] By 1818, he succeeded his uncle and became the lecturer on both subjects at Guy's Hospital where his classes on obstetric and the diseases of women were reported to be the largest in London.
CONT’ In 1818, Blundell proposed that a blood transfusion would be appropriate to treat severe postpartum hemorrhage. He had seen many of his patients dying in childbirth, and determined to develop a remedy.postpartum hemorrhagechildbirth Therefore, Blundell conducted a series of experiments using animals, and observed that as long as the blood was transfused quickly, a transfusion would be successful with a syringe even after it had been collected in a container. He also discovered the importance of letting all the air out of a syringe prior to the transfusion.syringe
FINDINGS Dr. Blundell extracted four ounces of blood from the arm of the patient's husband using a syringe, and successfully transfused it into the patient. Over the course of five years, he conducted ten documented blood transfusions, five of which were beneficial to the patients, and published these results. During his life he also devised many instruments for the transfusion of blood, many of which are still in use today
BOOKS He became the author of Researches Physiological and Pathological in 1824 and wrote two papers on abdominal surgery and blood transfusion, both edited by S. Ashwell. Later publications include Principles and Practice of Obstetricy in 1834 and Observations on some of the More Important Diseases of Women in 1837.
He became a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 1838, and later published Hexametrical Experiments, or, A version of four of Virgil's pastorals... with hints to explain the method of reading, and a slight essay on the laws of metre that year
LIFESTYLE Dr. Blundell retired from practice in In his final years, it is said that he never rose before noon, saw patients in the afternoon, dined and then saw more patients after 8 or 9 pm. He always carried books with him, and was able to read them in his carriage by the installation of a special light.
WORK CITED James Blundell (physician)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015