NAV A comprehencive network management tool Vidar Faltinsen NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
222 August nav The university network machines connected, 3500 student dormitories gigabit MAN across the city 1 Gbps Internet access, peak load of 500 Mbps 30 routers, 1400 switches, 150 WLAN access points network operations staff of 8 persons many students NTNU: AS Tyholt Øya Moholt Dragvoll Sentrum Kalvskinnet UNINETT AS 224 ntnu-gw ETHBSB KjemiRFB ntnu- gw2 SINTEF AS Lade Trd Oslo Gløshaugen
333 August nav Why develop NAV? Looked at several commercial NMS in 1998 – Focus on monitoring (not configuration) – Wanted something simple, yet powerful Implemented a basic system in 1999 – Availability monitor understanding topology – Traffic statistics based on MRTG Evolved from there...
444 August nav NAV status - August 2003 Development 4 years of development: 6 ”man years” of work, 20 persons involved. lines of code. Perl, php, java, postgresql. Distribution Development projects with funding from UNINETT Freely available to UNINETT members Installations Now running at 4 universities and 10 colleges in Norway.
555 August nav The main components delay / loss service monitor network explorer network load map RRD cricket tabular reports machine tracker NAVdb report generator status monitor threshold monitor www event and alert engine external systems SMS device tracker jabber The heart of NAV...
666 August nav a model of the running network net_equipment.txt room ip-address in charge category snmp community 300 : : net : GW : : xxx 230 : : net : SW : : xxx 230 : : net : EDGE : : xxx : yyy Manual registration of key information Seed files perl scripts snmp The NAV database NAVdb
777 August nav Router- interface IP 2 mac IP prefix device type location organizationinventory 1 … N switchport vlan mac 2 port Key tables
888 August nav Physical topology ARP CAM CDP Autodetecting the topology Vlan topology trunks STP
999 August nav Reports machine tracker NAVdb report generator
10 August nav Machine tracking
11 August nav Traffic data gathering NAVdb tabular reports config-tree router2 routersrouter int.switchessw. ports routerx router1 switch2 switchx switch1 RRD cricket cricket collector
12 August nav Cricket
13 August nav Visualization network explorer network load map RRD cricket tabular reports machine tracker NAVdb report generator
14 August nav Network load map (1)
15 August nav Network load map (2)
16 August nav Network load map (3)
17 August nav Network explorer
18 August nav Network monitoring network explorer network load map RRD cricket tabular reports machine tracker NAVdb report generator status monitor threshold monitor
19 August nav The event system network explorer network load map RRD cricket tabular reports machine tracker NAVdb report generator status monitor threshold monitor www event and alert engine external systems SMS
20 August nav Current status delay / loss service monitor network explorer network load map RRD cricket tabular reports machine tracker NAVdb report generator status monitor threshold monitor www event and alert engine external systems SMS device tracker jabber system management integration WLAN support This year’s activity
21 August nav Questions? web: Further information