Comm. Studies Learning Targets: I can describe the purpose of a demonstration speech. I can effectively organize my demonstration speech.
On how to make a grilled cheese sandwich On how to dance the Macarena WRITE STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS
Type of informative speech Informing the audience “how to” do something As long as you are able to present the steps of the demonstration or process speech topics How To Make... How To Fix... How To Use... How To Do... How... Works How... Is Done, Produced or Made WHAT IS A DEMONSTRATION SPEECH?
Applicable to life both formally and informally Forces you into to use precise instruction Evaluate different methods of organization As an audience member you learn something from every speech! WHY ARE WE DOING A DEMO SPEECH?
In the introduction, you must give your audience a reason to listen. Tell them WHY the skill is valuable and what they can do with it in their own lives. Introduction: 1. Attention Getter! 2. Purpose (tell them what you are going to teach them) 3. Tell them why you choose to demonstrate this topic or how you learned this skill 4. Reason to listen (tell them why they should know how to do it. Apply it to their lives) 5. List the main points (your first main point should map out your materials ) SPEECH DIFFERENCES
Activity: Turn to your partner and explain to them how someone should drive from Wheaton North to Wheaton College. Activity: Turn to your partner and explain how someone should get from the English Resource Room to the tennis courts. PROCESS / MAKE CONNECTIONS IN DIFFERENT WAYS
How did you give instruction? Directional? (Drive North) Landmarks? (Go past the nurse’s office) Gestures? (Head that way) In relation to? (You know the train tracks? Its next to that.) Literally? (Go about 1.3 miles) A combination of these?? PROCESS / MAKE CONNECTIONS IN DIFFERENT WAYS
Instruction is an important (and very common) form of communication We must realize that people process and make connections in different ways. Without precise instruction people can get lost, frustrated, or complete a task incorrectly. IMPORTANCE OF PRECISE INSTRUCTION
How do you like to receive instruction or learn? 1.Auditory 2.Visually 3.Kinesthetically 4.Manipulatively 5.Combination HOW DO YOU RECEIVE INSTRUCTION BEST?
*Not all of these apply to Demo Speeches!
Organizes a speech according to aspects, subtopics, or topics. Example: Introduction Speech Roger’s future goals… Mary’s family consists of… Michael's favorite sports… TOPICAL DIVISION:
Organizes speech according to a time sequence. Example: Historical Topics, Process or procedure topics How to cook How to change car oil History of WWII CHRONOLOGICAL DIVISION:
Organizes a speech according to the geography or physical structure of the subject. Example: Best for topic dealing with parts of an object or a place The parts of a gun Grocery Store Museum SPATIAL DIVISION:
Organizes a speech from cause to effect, or effect to cause. Helpful when you identify / trace a condition from its causes. Also useful in persuasion Example: Recession, Medical topic disease CAUSAL DIVISION:
Organizes a speech according to arguments for and against some policy, position, or action. Since it is balanced approach - easier to use in informative than persuasion. Example: Policy options, Political choices PRO-CON DIVISION:
Organizes a speech according to a special memory device, such as alliteration, rhyme, or initial letters that spell a word. Example: ROYGBIV GIMMICK DIVISION:
A pattern of organization that identifies and analyzes a problem and proposes a solution. Example: Not enough passing time/Extend school day ! PROBLEM SOLUTION PATTERN: