PORT JERVIS CITY SCHOOL BUDGET Prepared by Lorelei Case, CPA, SBA, SDA March 15, 2015
VOTE MAY 19, am – 9 pm Budget Capital Projects Referendum Board Members Don’t know where to vote? Call Ms. Lasch – District Clerk Ext Questions? Call Ms. Lorelei Case – Assistant Superintendent for Business Ext 15530
No State Adopted Budget Developed revenue budget based on review of historical data – no increase over projected aid to be received in Considered Additional Budget Requests Based on board majority – included in budget draft 1 BUDGET
BUDGET BUDGET COMPARISON Support66,19366,851 Central Administration251,875256,332 Finance638,896678,465 Staff149,135190,887 Central Services4,298,3804,450,149 Special Items673,490691,991 Total General Support6,077,9696,334,675
BUDGET BUDGET COMPARISON Instructional Admin2,225,0282,124,768 Teaching - Regular16,557,11516,698,456 Students with Disabilities12,347,10813,182,944 Occupational Education1,030,6001,002,720 Teach Special Schools322,513359,496 Total Teaching30,257,33631,243,616
BUDGET BUDGET COMPARISON Instructional Media1,188,9071,449,064 Pupil Services Attend1,2001,000 Guidance1,049,4661,029,098 Health Services435,574446,298 Diagnostic Screen1,8752,025 Psychological Services182,426200,491 Social Work Services167,706149,425
BUDGET BUDGET COMPARISON Cocurricular Activities222,600230,000 Athletics498,329506,263 Total PPS2,559,1762,564,600 Total Instruction36,230,44737,382,048
BUDGET BUDGET COMPARISON Transportation3,150,7553,272,487 Census1,000 Employee Benefits15,403,99414,280,581 Debt Service2,852,6202,982,026 Transfers140,000335,295 Total Undistributed18,397,61417,598,902 GRAND TOTAL63,856,78564,588,112
UNDERSTANDING BUDGET INCREASES Budget to Budget Increase $731, %
UNDERSTANDING BUDGET INCREASES BUDGET to BUDGET Inconsistent with Accepted Budgeting Principles Decrease due to TRS/ERS (Retirement) Material Contribution Decrease $ (1,063,574) Decrease due to Retiree Breakage (13)(334,570) Elimination of Principal/Director Position (1)(173,053) TOTAL SAVINGS(1,571,197)
UNDERSTANDING BUDGET INCREASES OPPORTUNITY TO STABILIZE FUTURE YEAR BUDGETS Budget to Budget is abnormally low – 1.1% Levy to Levy is projected at 1.2% If receive additional state aid - Apply to address one time expenses increasing budget but NOT the local impact Draft one includes $195,295 to address blacktop repair Serves as place holder for 16/17 increases Such as retirement contributions, less retirement breakage
OTHER RETIREMENTS Stenographer to be replaced with Administrative Aide Principal/Director of Curriculum/Data will not be replaced
UNDERSTANDING BUDGET CHANGES Program Forecast Software Five Year Building Condition Survey Elimination of Principal/Director of Curriculum and Data Reassignment of Assistant Principal to HBE Hire Replacements for Retirements (12) Choir Risers – ASK and HBE Hire Two New Elementary Special Education Teachers Hire Computer Services Specialist Change Structure of Athletic Director Position Hire Two Assistant Coaches – Winter & Spring Track Field Trips – to include new local field trips, list to be shared/approved
MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEVYCALCULATION Prior year tax levy$ 27,368,000 Tax base growth factorx Adjusted prior year tax levy$ 27,488,419 Prior year PILOT 473,413 Prior year exclusions (250,335) Adjusted prior year levy$ 27,711,497 Allowable growth factor (lesser CPI or 2%)X Adjusted for CPI prior year levy$ 28,160,423 PILOTS for coming year (492,477) Tax Levy Limit before carryover$ 27,667,946 Available carryover N/A Tax Levy Limit$ 27,667,946 Coming year exemptions/Pension 174,335 Maximum Allowable Levy$ 27,842,281
TAX CAP CALCULATION Represents the ability to increase the levy by 1.72% CPI is 1.62% Using current year state aid for revenue projections Levy to levy required is 1.24% Anticipate state budget will adopt school aid at amounts greater than current year aid
SUMMARY – HISTORICAL LEVY DATA Levy to Levy % % % % % % % % % Projected %
FUND BALANCE ONE TIME SOURCE OF FUNDING Importance of Maintaining Adequate Balance Cash Flow Funds for emergency/unbudgeted contingent expenses Improves district’s credit rating Positively impacts future borrowing rates
FUND BALANCE WARNING SIGNS OF FISCAL STRESS Spending down unassigned reserves too quickly not addressing “spending beyond means” not following a long-term, multi-year plan “Living for today and not the future.”
FUND BALANCE ADDRESS/ELIMINATE FISCAL STRESS “FREEZE” spending Identify/maximize cost efficiency opportunities Review current staff needs/class sizes Consider reallocation of resources Spend on one-time/nonrecurring programs/services
FUND BALANCE WHY NOT STEP OUTSIDE THE PLAN? Using excess fund balance only DEFERS taxes to a future date Planned application allows: Balance Management Control of educational program Control of tax impact
FUND BALANCE Fund Balance is not independent of all factors in a budget. Revenue, Expenditures, Fund Balance must be managed and monitored throughout the year.
FUND BALANCE Audit reports support fiscally responsible management of district resources. The practices must continue throughout the upcoming budget process if the district is to remain off the NYS fiscally stressed list.
MONTAGUE MOVING FORWARD WITH MONTAGUE’S TRANSITION PLAN Reduce tuition revenue over next four years Allocate fund balance and transition off fund balance need
REVENUE Proposed 15/16 Tax Levy27,707,283 Other Tax737,477 Montague Tuition850,000 Interest40,000 BOCES Refund225,000 State Aid33,543,352 Other185,000 Fund Balance1,300,000 TOTAL64,588,112
TAX LIMIT LAW VOTE REQUIREMENTS > limit 60%yes < or = limit 50% +1yes 2 failed no levy increase no addbacks
NEXT STEPS Ongoing Confirm approved additional budget requests included in final budget Ongoing State budget adopted Adopt BoE approve budget for ballot
DISCUSSION STATUS OF ADDITIONAL BUDGET REQUESTS Public Relations Position$45,239 Part time to Full Time Laptop Program Expansion 50,000 Rachel’s Challenge 8,600 Intramural Stipends (6) 13,600 Athletic Trainer 8,475
VOTE MAY 19, am – 9 pm Budget Capital Projects Referendum Board Members Don’t know where to vote? Call Ms. Lasch – District Clerk Ext Questions? Call Ms. Lorelei Case – Assistant Superintendent for Business Ext 15530