1 Workshop sessions: day two ● CD infrastructure ● CD advisors ● Quality and contract management ● Referral pathways and standardised service ● Discussion.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop sessions: day two ● CD infrastructure ● CD advisors ● Quality and contract management ● Referral pathways and standardised service ● Discussion ● Review and next steps

2 Session 2: CD advisors ● Recruitment overview ● Candidate background and screening ● Assessment centres and recruitment methodology ● Role profile ● Training partnership ● Induction training programme and assessment ● Ongoing professional development

3 Recruitment overview ● Quality advisor recruitment is essential to the success of CD – quality staff directly correlates with quality advice ● Varying methods employed by our centres – agency/internal or hybrid approach ● Unique requirements – increased skill set and aptitude levels in comparison to UK contact centre industry standards ● Increased lead times to recruit - due to the length and nature of the induction training and calibre of candidate sought ● Succession planning – management positions within centres are generally filled through internal recruitment processes

4 Candidate background and screening ● Candidates tend to come from diverse employment backgrounds however generally those successful have experience in one or both of the following areas: Contact Centre: Including working in a structured manner, target-driven performance management and nature of environment Academic: Including ability to acquire information quickly and thoroughly, and experience of academic testing through examination Academic: Including ability to acquire information quickly and thoroughly, and experience of academic testing through examination Academic: Including ability to acquire information quickly and thoroughly, and experience of academic testing through examination Contact Centre: Including working in a structured manner, target-driven performance management and nature of environment Contact Centre: Including working in a structured manner, target-driven performance management and nature of environment Contact Centre: Including working in a structured manner, target-driven performance management and nature of environment Contact Centre: Including working in a structured manner, target-driven performance management and nature of environment Contact Centre: Including working in a structured manner, target-driven performance management and nature of environment Academic: Including ability to acquire information quickly and thoroughly, and experience of academic testing through examination Contact Centre: Including working in a structured manner, target-driven performance management and nature of environment Academic: Including ability to acquire information quickly and thoroughly, and experience of academic testing through examination Contact Centre: Including working in a structured manner, target-driven performance management and nature of environment Academic: Including ability to acquire information quickly and thoroughly, and experience of academic testing through examination Contact Centre: Including working in a structured manner, target-driven performance management and nature of environment ● Initial screening would shortlist against certain basic requirements, including experience of a customer- facing role, a basic level of IT understanding, and the ability to commit to the intensive requirements of the induction training

5 Assessment centres and methodology ● Recruitment is usually undertaken through assessment centre over a number of days. Components to this process vary but include a variety of the following: Assessment Centre Proof of learning exercise Psychometric testing Typing and I.T aptitude test Grammar and Literacy testing Listening test Operational observation Competency Based Interview Comprehension testing

6 Role profile ● Skills and abilities:  Recognised qualification and working knowledge of consumer and civil law  Able to accurately record case information to agreed processes  Customer service skills, relating to questioning techniques and call control  Ability to perform consistently in a target-driven environment

7 Role profile Behaviours: Customer focus Change focus Performance focus Confidence and communication Working with others

8 Training partnership ● In 2007 OFT contracted with the Trading Standards Institute (TSI) to produce materials and deliver professional training for the service ● Training programme is TSI accredited and forms part of a vocational qualification in Trading Standards ● All legal training is delivered by TSI accredited legal trainers ● All customer service and call handling training material is also TSI accredited and delivered by approved trainers

9 Induction training ● 5 week minimum intensive training induction ● Covers three aspects:  Legal training  Customer service and call handling  Systems training ● Assessments in legal and customer service areas. Advisors must pass these assessments in order to undertake role. One re-sit is permitted in each area if the candidate is unsuccessful

10 Legal training ● Legal concepts - Criminal and Civil Law and Contract Law ● Liability for goods and services - Sale of Goods Act 1979, Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 ● Credit - types of credit and Consumer Credit Act 1974 ● Trading Standards Service - the role of TSS, criminal offences and TSS legislation ● Holidays and timeshare – Package Travel Regulations ● Contract, negligence and product liability ● Distance communications – Distance and doorstep selling ● Consumer organisations and court procedures - Role of the OFT, codes of practice, and alternative dispute resolution

11 Customer service training ● Awareness of the pressures of the role ● What constitutes good and bad customer service ● Deliver clear practical advice, understanding the consumers needs ● Identify and understand principles of good communication ● Demonstrate active listening ● Effective questioning skills ● Call structure and call control ● The importance of data accuracy to our stakeholders ● Stress and time management techniques

12 Systems training ● Flare 21 CHS  Data input  Screen navigation  End-to-end process ● Knowledge Base  System navigation  TSS referral protocols  In call reference materials  OFT briefing notes and out of call information

13 Training assessment ● 3 hour legal exam (pass mark 50%) Each candidate must select four scenarios from the six offered. The candidate must:  Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of relevant legislation  Show an understanding of the practical application of relevant legislation  Display an aptitude for advice delivery

14 Training assessment Assessed call exam (pass mark 70%) Each candidate is presented with three “as live” calls. The candidate must:  Demonstrate ability to deliver clear, practical consumer advice  Manage the customer’s experience appropriately  Display a high level of call management

15 Assessed call criteria Opening Greeting Mention CD Advisor Name Previous Contact Welcoming Tone Core Questions Aware of CD Caller Name Postcode Address Verification Tel. No. Targeted Questions Questioning to identify nature of the enquiry/ civil case etc. The questioning expected should meet core DQ requirements, applicable to the case type, and enable the provision of appropriate advice or signposting. Questioning to identify the presence of a criminal breach or other referable issue, e.g. enforcement or vulnerable help Questioning essential to the referral, e.g. nature and detail of the description on a breach of description CPR case

16 Assessed call criteria Advice Legally based advice - scope of law, if applicable Legally based advice - remedies, if applicable Legally based advice - other issues, i.e. criminal offence, enforcement Practical advice - what C should do next or in future, e.g. preshopping advice, next step advice Practical advice - enabling advice, e.g. contact information to seek advice from 3rd party, guidance on letter, guidance on visit to T Explanation of advice/ why advice given or action taken, e.g. of scope/remit of CD, scope/remit of 3rd party, scope/remit of referral partner, basic outline or reference to a complaints process Summary of advice/ any significant points, if applicable Close Reference Number Invite to contact again Close call appropriately Customer Service Appropriate pitch, pace, tone Appropriate use of hold facility Effective listening skills 0845 number Empathy/ rapport with caller Offer template letter or equivalent Was call delivered in logical/ structured manner?

17 Assessed call criteria Hard CallMedium callEasy call PercentageMarks Available Opening & Close:5%654 Core Questions:5%654 Targeted Questioning:10%12108 Advice:40% Close5%654 Customer Service Skills:35% Total marks

18 Continued professional development ● Six month re-assessment ● All candidates must complete a further assessed call to assess their progress This includes:  Original call scenario (pass mark 70%)  If the advisor fails an action plan is agreed with OFT

19 Continued professional development ● Additional framework for professional development, including:  Regular and consistent review process  Side-by-side and remote monitoring  Quality reviews (call, file and )  Refresher training  Regular coaching  OFT briefing and legislative updates

20 Questions ● What will your advisor profile be? ● What are the critical components of a successful training programme? ● Who will develop and deliver your training? ● How will you maintain consistency? ● How will you ensure continued professional development?