Vitamin D: From Sunshine to Supplements Family and Consumer Sciences Lesson
Vitamin D: For Bones, and Beyond! “We estimate that Vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition in the world.” Michael Holick, MD, PhD noted Vit. D researcher, Boston U. Med Center Vitamin D Crystals
Participants will… Recognize key functions of vitamin D Be able to list three or more diseases associated with low vitamin D levels Identify ways to improve own vitamin D level
“Sunshine Vitamin” is in the spotlight! 3 out of 4 in U.S. have low levels of vitamin D Levels down in past 20 years Research reveals new understanding of our need for vitamin D
Vitamin D then… Problem recognized for centuries, in form of rickets In 1919, vitamin D discovered – key to good bone formation Cod liver oil found to solve deficiency Vitamin D added to milk in US beginning in 1930s
Vitamin D research now Low vitamin D levels now linked to: –decreased glucose tolerance –cardiovascular disease –multiple sclerosis –rheumatoid arthritis –types 1 and 2 diabetes –at least 15 types of cancers –chronic gum disease –depression and falls in older adults
We now know… Vitamin D 3, cholecalciferol, is produced in human skin in presence of sunlight Is key in mineral metabolism, bone formation with calcium Not actually a vitamin – functions in the human body as a hormone, targeting over 36 organs! Vitamin D is stored in the body Humans make and require vitamin D at different levels, so recommendations are difficult
“D”tails: The Making of Vitamin D in Humans Wintertime, clouds, sunscreen, smog, body fat and darkly pigmented skin reduce body’s ability – also heavy veils worn in some cultures Persons who stay inside and have poor diets may have deficiency Exposure to sunlight cannot cause vitamin D toxicity – only supplements can
How Vitamin D is measured Blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [written as 25(OH)D] in healthy persons is best indicator of vitamin D status –Storage form –Determined by simple blood test –Most experts agree that levels below 50 nmol/L (or 20ng/mL) indicate deficiency
Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency Symptoms are subtle! Difficult to connect varied symptoms – can affect bones, depression, blood pressure, immunity Blood test is needed to be certain
How much Vitamin D is enough? New recommended levels believed adequate amount needed to prevent illness, other deficiency “symptoms” Some researchers recommending levels at 5000 IU per day, but official recommendations do not support this level Cannot make leap from basic science to public health recommendations Individual needs do vary, depending on age and health, diet, skin color, even history of certain diseases & medicines. Obesity may also affect deficiency
New Current DRIs for Vitamin D (in International Units) Life Stage Vitamin D Infants 0-6 mos 400 7-12 months 400 Children 1-3 yrs 600 4-8 years 600 Males 9-13 years 600 years 600 years 600 years 600 years 600 > 70 years 800
New DRIs for Vitamin D (in IU), cont’d. Females 9-13 years years years years years 600 > Pregnancy < 18 yrs years years 600 Lactation 18 years years years 600
Vitamin D – Essential at all ages
Vitamin D in pregnancy Emerging research ties pre- eclampsia with low vitamin D levels in pregnancy Adequate vitamin D in pregnancy may help prevent future cancer, diabetes and heart disease in child Strong resurgence of rickets since 1990s, in dark-skinned infants who were exclusively breast fed New pregnancy and lactation recommendation of 600 IU per day from foods and supplements
Breast milk and Vitamin D Recurrence of infant rickets since 1990s, especially in dark-skinned, breastfed infants, points to need for increased vitamin D in the very young A supplement of 400 IU per day of vitamin D is recommended for all breastfed infants The vitamin D content of human milk is directly related to the mother’s vitamin D status (Wagner, et al., 2008) Is breast milk lacking by design?
The research says… A daily vitamin D 3 supplement is necessary for mother during breastfeeding, because the circulating D 3 moves into the milk and affects its anti-ricket activity Breastfed infants are at risk for vitamin D deficiency
The American Academy of Pediatrics has stepped in… Increased previous recommended amount for all children, adolescents from birth - age 18 Advises 400 IU supplemental vitamin D each day, beginning within 2 months of birth New DRIs set at 600 IU for children age 1 or older A result of evidence of vitamin D’s role in bone health
During childhood… Vitamin D builds bone in tandem with calcium Immune system matures with adequacy Obesity traps vitamin D in body fat – it is made by body but not available for its use Supplement encouraged in most cases
During adult years… Possible connections to diseases and medical problems –diabetes –high blood pressure –colon, prostate, breast cancers –autoimmune conditions multiple sclerosis rheumatoid arthritis
Sunlight as vitamin D source Sunlight is a valuable though uneven source, due to variations in many factors: –Age, wintertime, clouds, sunscreen, smog, body fat and darkly pigmented skin reduce body’s ability – also heavy veils worn in some cultures Even those exposed to sun may have limited skin area exposed, and still be vitamin D deficient
In Kansas… Only able to produce vitamin D in the sunlight from March through October –We need to apply sunscreen AFTER 15 minutes of direct sun exposure, in order to maximize vitamin D production –Angle of the sun is too indirect the rest of the time Supplements are recommended when sunlight is inadequate
Other than the sun… Vitamin D is found naturally in very few foods –Oily fish Cod Salmon Tuna Swordfish Sardines –Egg yolk –Butter –Liver Added to milk, in low concentrations
Vitamin D sources, continued… D 3 is preferred, active form now added to increasing number of foods such as juice, yogurt, cereals Supplements recommended for most people – often in combination with calcium Tanning beds NOT considered a safe, dependable method to increase vitamin D levels
Too much of a good thing? Toxicity is possible, as vitamin D is stored in the body and will build up over time Excess vitamin D a result of supplements, not from food or sun Safe upper level (UL) intake also set by IOM –Age dependent –Set at 4,000 IU/day for those age 9 and above –NOT amounts people need or should consume
Big changes have been announced The Institute of Medicine reviewed recent research, and released new findings on November 30, 2010 “Current evidence does not support benefits beyond bone health, but targeted research should continue.”
Steps you can take… Talk with your health care provider to see if you need your vitamin D level tested Let the sun shine – safely! Find out how much sunlight is right for you Focus on food sources of vitamin D Ask if your meds affect your vitamin D level Find out if a supplement is right for you
For more information, go to: Need more info on vitamin D?
Thank you! Sandy Procter, PhD, RD Department of Human Nutrition 204 Justin Hall Manhattan, KS 66506