Hallucinogens- Any drug that causes a person to hallucinate (see or hear things that are not there). – The effects are often referred to as a “trip” – “Trips” can last for minutes or days depending on the type and amount of drug taken. – Flashbacks – hallucinogen’s effects can occur days, weeks, or years after the drugs were originally taken. Lasts for seconds or hours.
Common Hallucinogens: LSD (acid) LSD (acid) Mushrooms Mushrooms PCP (angel dust) PCP (angel dust) Peyote Peyote
Inhalants Any drug that is inhaled and absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs. Common Inhalants: household cleaners, spray paint, household cleaners, spray paint, glue, Freon, nitrous oxide glue, Freon, nitrous oxide Short Term effects: Oxygen flow to your brain is replaced by another chemical. This can result in death and brain damage (after only one use). Oxygen flow to your brain is replaced by another chemical. This can result in death and brain damage (after only one use). video
Designer Drugs A drug that is produced by making a small chemical change to a drug that already exists. Similar effects as “parent drug” with other unpredictable effects
Designer Drugs: Ecstasy (MDMA) Ecstasy (MDMA) – One of the most popular designer drugs. – MDMA is a mind altering drug created from Meth. – Street names: X, Adam, XTC, and E – Taken as a pill, can be crushed and snorted – Effects include increased sensitivity to touch, hallucinations, tingling in skin, and increased energy. -Lasts 4-6 hours.
Side Effects of Ecstasy: Nausea Nausea Confusion Confusion Blurred vision Blurred vision Dehydration Dehydration Memory Loss Memory Loss Seizures Seizures Heart failure Heart failure Brain damage Brain damage Death Death
Other Designer Drugs: Do not copy GHB: made from the anesthetic GBL (an ingredient to pesticides) made from the anesthetic GBL (an ingredient to pesticides) Street names: G, Liquid X, Fantasy Street names: G, Liquid X, Fantasy Loss of consciousness and death Loss of consciousness and deathKetamine: closely related to hallucinogen PCP (angel dust). closely related to hallucinogen PCP (angel dust). Street names: Special K, K, Kit Kat, Vitamin K Street names: Special K, K, Kit Kat, Vitamin K Users experience “dissociation” – separation from Users experience “dissociation” – separation from reality. They also experience numbness, inability reality. They also experience numbness, inability to move, permanent loss of memory, and coma. to move, permanent loss of memory, and coma.