GSC Global Standards Collaboration GSC#10 28 August – 2 September 2005 Sophia Antipolis, France 1 Prime PSO Presentation Presented by T. Russell Shields Ygomi LLC Agenda Item: gsc10_grsc3_5.4, Intelligent Transportation Systems
GSC 2 2 Items for Discussion Mobile Wireless Broadband for Public Sector Applications including Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) Status of CALM CALM M5 (DSRC/WAVE at 5.9 GHz) Mobile Wireless Broadband Vehicle Safety Communications Review of GSC-9 Resolutions
GSC 3 Mobile Wireless Broadband (MWB) for Public Authority Needs Much of the attention to ITS wireless communications has focused on serving private vehicles (automatic crash notification, wireless diagnostics, vehicles services like remote door unlock, etc.) At least as important: Support of emergency vehicle fleets (police, fire, ambulance, etc.) for both routine operations and major disasters (PPDR) Current situation: High level of incompatibility among emergency services and across jurisdictions
GSC 4 Operational Needs for Emergencies and Disasters (PPDR) User requirements – Need to work together Immediate area-wide high-bandwidth communications Supplement or replace primary communication networks Flexible, familiar user-interface Standard terminal equipment and application software System architecture and organization Standard ISP system architecture plus mobility Flexible, multi-tiered command and control
GSC 5 MWB with VOIP: Important Part of Public Sector Solution Can provide a consistent, robust capability that Works for all routine operations Provides priority for emergency operations Offers high-speed access to data including private Internet sites Graphical, text, or speech output Commercial vehicle cargo (esp. dangerous goods) Building floor plans for fire fighters Medical data for ambulances Vehicle (and other) records for police Maps and facility records for major emergencies and evacuations Technology is just one aspect Hard part is institutional arrangements across jurisdictions
GSC 6 Standards for MWB for Public Authorities ETSI/TIA Project MESA has established the groundwork There exist published standards that meet the needs of police, fire, ambulance, transportation disaster, etc.
GSC 7 CALM Continuous Air interface for Long and Medium range A family of umbrella protocols that enable vehicles to stay connected Covers 2.5/3G, infrared, microwave (5.9 GHz), millimetre wave (~63 GHz), mobile wireless broadband Allows vehicles to use the best combination of in-vehicle and infrastructure communications technology locally available Particular emphasis on supporting vehicle safety applications Two primary focuses in today’s presentation: DSRC/WAVE at 5.9 GHz Mobile Wireless Broadband
GSC 8 DSRC at 5.9 GHz “WAVE” Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) at 5.9 GHz now called WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments) – 75 MHz of bandwidth allocated by U.S. FCC Potentially a U.S. federally-funded vehicle-data network separate from cellular Requires money and standards In the U.S., money may finally be forthcoming from recent passage of long-delayed highway reauthorization bill “SAFETEA-LU” Standards progress has been slow in IEEE p and IEEE 1609 Worldwide compatibility The European vehicle manufacturers in the Car-2-Car Consortium are working through ETSI TG37 for a European solution compatible with the U.S. Canada allocated spectrum in the same frequencies More activities needed in Korea, Japan, and other countries that have or plan to have the capability to control vehicular traffic via wireless safety applications
GSC 9 Status of Vehicle Safety Communications Standards High level of collaboration among SDOs, significantly arising from Project MESA IEEE 1609 – Upper layers Difficult to keep the focus on vehicle safety and public safety applications vs. commercial applications IEEE p – Lower layers Very slow progress ISO/TC204/WG16 (ISO – CALM M5) Creating umbrella standards, but depending on IEEE work for WAVE implementation specifics
GSC 10 MWB and CALM (1) MWB is useful as well for commercial ITS, which includes large distances and high speed travel Must remain consistent with public authority ITS including message prioritization in accordance with Project MESA objectives MWB needs to operate within the CALM networking environment for vehicles CALM networking needs to operate within MWB protocols for session establishment and maintenance
GSC 11 MWB and CALM (2) ISO TC204 and ETSI TG37 are forming relationships with developers of standards and practices for MWB IEEE and the WiMAX Forum IEEE ATIS for HC-SDMA IETF NEMO (Network Mobility) Intend to support (at least) the these MWB standards IEEE e/WiMAXLet the market decide IEEE which approaches will ATIS HC-SDMAbe successful Others?
GSC 12 Vehicle Safety Data Communications ETSI TG37 and ISO/TC204 recognize the need for an environment like CALM that includes Vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure communications Continuous/quasi-continuous communications over multiple technologies to effectively handle safety messages Vehicle safety requires very high reliability Because serious crashes are infrequent, error rate for vehicle safety data communications probably needs to be <10 -7 Safety data messages probably have to be sent via two or more technologies with substantially different characteristics, e.g., microwave (5.9 GHz) and millimetre wave (63 GHz) Work items to support data registration for automatic crash notification (ACN) and access procedures using any available technologies have been added to the ISO/TC204 work programme Work items to use MWB (three approaches) within CALM have been adopted into the CALM architecture and ISO/TC204 work programme; being developed jointly with ETSI TG37
GSC 13 The CALM Media Used For Safety Applications Need... Handover protocols to enable continuous sessions Adequate power and bandwidth to achieve Uplink and downlink data rates of at least 200 kbps for vehicles travelling at 200 km/h toward and away from ground stations Uplink and downlink data rates of at least 100 kbps to/from one another (combined speed of 400 km/h) for vehicle-to-vehicle communications Encourage ITU/CEPT/FCC to provide technology-agnostic bandwidth to support MWB, 5.9 GHz, and 63 GHz globally or with enough similarity to allow common technical solutions
GSC 14 Resolution Updates GSC-9/2 (Joint GTSC/GRSC): Emergency Communications Major area of ITS activity HC-SDMA standard approved by ATIS New ISO work item: NP Specific Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Communications Systems IEEE 1609 continues work on application layer standards for IEEE p Significant topic at March 2005 ITU Workshop at Geneva Auto Show Project MESA Top standards need International activity (possibly ITU) to push the needs of the mobile first responders for mobile wireless broadband
GSC 15 GSC-9/6 (GRSC): Supporting Automotive Crash Notification (“ACN”) by Public Wireless Communications Networks ETSI TG37 has taken a leading role New ISO work items NP Automatic Crash Notification using any Available Media NP Emergency Call using Cellular Networks NP Emergency Call Architecture Japan National Police Agency has initiated new activities Help System for Emergency Life Saving and Public Safety (HELP) under its Universal Traffic Management System, now being updated Top standards need Updates to cellular standards to improve the probability of successfully delivering ACN messages in countryside areas while reducing the burden that ACN devices may put on cellular networks
GSC 16 GSC-9/12 (GRSC): Medium Range (up to 300 meters) Communications for Vehicle Safety ETSI TG37 taking a major role Supported by the European Car2Car Consortium ISO work item: (CALM M5) IEEE p PAR approved Supported by the U.S. Vehicle Safety Communications Consortium Vehicle Safety Communications Workshop To be held in San Francisco, Friday, November 11 in conjunction with the ITS World Congress Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation Supported by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the EC Information Society and Media Directorate Top standards need Define and standardise Software Reconfigurable Radios to help meet requirement for connectivity throughout vehicle service lives
GSC 17 ITS Communications Update Thank You!