What is the function of the spleen? Filters blood, recycles old red blood cells
What are the three segments of the small intestine called What are the three segments of the small intestine called? Start with the segment closest to the stomach. duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Which dissecting tool that we used is appropriate for separating thin tissue and membranes Teasing needle
Which dissecting tool that we used is appropriate for separating muscle tissue scissors
If a fetal pig intestine is 230 cm long, how many meters is it?
If a fetal pig intestine is 3 If a fetal pig intestine is 3.1 meters long, how many centimeters long is it? 310 meters
Where is the cecum located? In the abdomen, between the small intestine and the colon
To what system does the liver belong? digestive
What is the function of the gall bladder? stores bile
Which part of the scissors is used to make the first cut into the pig? Pointed or sharp part
What are the auricles and where are they located? They are on the upper area of the heart. There are two of them and they are also referred to as the atrium. The atrium is the open space inside of the auricle
What is the function of bile and what organ produces it? It helps digest fat and it is produced by the liver. The gall bladder stores bile although it does not produce it.
What type of plane separates the pig into right and left sides? sagittal plane
What type of plane separates the pig into cranial and caudal halves? Transversal plane
What type of plane separates the pig into dorsal and ventral halves? Frontal plane
What term means toward the tail end of the pig? caudal
What term means toward the head end of the pig? cranial
What term means toward far end of an appendage What term means toward far end of an appendage? Like the hoof end of the leg distal
What term means toward near end of an appendage What term means toward near end of an appendage? Like the part of the leg nearer to the body. proximal
How is the length of the digestive system helpful to its function? Gives more surface area to absorb nutrients. Also give more time for absorption
What sheet of muscle separates the organs of the thorax from those of the abdomen? diaphragm
What is another name for the large intestine of the pig? colon (The spiral colon is the main part of the colon, but not the whole thing) spiral colon
Which of the four chambers of the heart pumps blood to the body? Left ventricle
What is the systemic loop of the circulatory system? It is the loop that brings blood to and from the body
What name is given to the “lung” loop of the circulatory system? It is called the pulmonary loop
Which of the four chambers of the heart pumps blood to the lungs? Right ventricle
Which of the four chambers of the heart receives blood returning from the lungs? Left atrium (or auricle)
Which structures bring blood to the muscles of the heart so they can get energy? Coronary arteries
How can you tell the sex of the fetal pig? Male- urogenital opening near umbilical cord Female- urogenital opening near anus
What are the nares of the pig and where are they located? They are the openings of the nostrils. They are on the snoot.
Which of the four chambers of the heart receives blood returning from the body? Right atrium (or auricle)
What is another name for the voice box? larynx
What is the epiglottis and where is it located? It is in the throat and it keeps food from going the the wrong way and going into the trachea.
What is this structure? trachea
What is this structure? lung
What is this structure? larynx
What is this structure? Small intestine
What is this structure? liver
Which of the three main sections of the body is this? abdomen
Was the cut made on this pig made on the dorsal or ventral side?
What is this structure? spleen
What is this structure? Gall bladder
What is this structure? stomach
What is this structure? heart
What is this structure? lung
What is this structure? mandible
What is this structure? pelvis
What is this structure? femur
What is this structure? skull
What is this structure? femur
What is this structure? scapula
What is this structure? humerus
What is this structure? pelvis
What is this structure? radius
What is this structure? ulna
What is this structure? You can give the general name. Vertebra singular Vertebrae plural
What is this structure? fibula
What is this structure? tibia
What is this structure? humerus
What are these structures? Right auricle (atrium) Right ventricle Left auricle (atrium) D. Left ventricle
What is the largest artery in the body? aorta
What are the names of each of the dissecting tools we used? Scissors, forceps. probe
Name the three main body areas. Head, thorax, and abdomen
What is the name given to the liquefied food that passes through the digestive system chyme
What is the name of the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach esophagus
What name is given to the connective tissue that holds the small intestines in place? mesentery
What system does the pancreas belong to? What is its function? The pancreas belongs to the digestive system. It produces digestive enzymes.
What is the membrane that covers and protects the heart? pericardial membrane
What is the muscular wall that separates the right and left ventricle from each other? Hint: separates septum
What structure gathers and prepares waste materials for exiting the body through the anus. rectum