Format of exam 1 ¼ hours 100 marks 67% of the qualification Three-part story of c.250 words Set at standard of Stage 29 of CLC 400-word DVL Gradient of difficulty Storyline: mythology / history / biography
Grammar and Syntax 4 active tenses, indicative 2 active tenses, subjunctive Limited passive indicative tenses Infinitive, imperative and 2 participles All declensions Temporal, causal, concessive and relative clauses Purpose and result clauses Time phrases Gerundive of obligation (neuter only) Simple conditionals Prohibitions
The Questions First passage comprehension: 25 marks Second passage formal translation: 40 marks –Passage split into two with link in English Third passage comprehension: 35 marks Standard comprehension questions ‘Write down (and translate) the Latin word’ ‘Which three are true?’ ‘Which combination is all true?’ ‘Which is the best/correct translation?’ Personal response Derivation Pictures
Standard comprehension questions (b) deinde … pervenit (lines 1-2): how then did his route change? [1] ………………………………………………… ……………………………………. (c) ubi … agebatur (lines 2-3): describe how Hippolytus was being transported. [3] ………………………………………………… …………………………………….
‘Write down (and translate) the Latin word’ Write down and translate the two Latin words that describe Hippolytus in line 2. [4] ………………………………………………… …………………………………….
‘Which three are true?’ equi … currerent (lines 4-5): which three of the following statements are true? Write your answers in the boxes underneath. [3] A the horses were so frightened B so many horses were frightened C they were frightened because they ran away from the rocks D they left the road because they were frightened E they were frightened because they left the road F they ended up in the rocks
‘Which combination are all true?’ tandem e thermopolio discessit et ad tabernam ambulavit (line 12): look at the following statements based on these words: (i) he left the bar however (ii) he walked (iii) at last he left the bar (iv) he walked to the bar (v) he visited a shop (vi) he left the shop. Which three of the above statements are true? Tick the box alongside the combination you think is correct. [1] A (i), (ii) and (v) B (ii), (iii) and (v) C (iii), (iv) and (v) D (iv), (v) and (vi)
‘Which is the best/correct translation?’ Theseus alteram uxorem cepit (line 7): which of the following is the best translation of these words? Tick the box alongside the one you think is right. [1] (i) He captured another wife (ii) He took another wife (iii) He took the other wife (iv) Another wife married him
Personal response How far do you think Hippolytus deserved what happened to him? In your answer you should make four points taken from any or all of the passages. [4] (i) ……………………………………………………………………………… …. (ii) ……………………………………………………………………………… …. (iii) ……………………………………………………………………………… …. (iv) ……………………………………………………………………………… ….
Derivation Write down an English word that comes from credebat. …………………………………………………
The Mark Scheme (1) Translations marked on a one or two marks per Latin word basis: [5] sed nolebat hoc aperte facere [6] itaque consilium callidum cepit:
The Mark Scheme (2) Comprehension questions generally give one mark for each significant Latin word required for the answer, but sometimes may be one mark for two Latin words. No fractions, no scaling
Resources (both units) CSCP website (vocabulary drills) CLC Graded Tests My new book (due out 2011) My Momentum Tests book
Format of exam ¾ hour 50 marks 33% of the qualification One passage of words Set at standard of Stage 40 of CLC words DVL Gradient of difficulty
The Question Paper One passage Comprehension: 15 marks Translation: 35 marks Theme: history / biography / mythology
Grammar and Syntax All tenses, voices and moods Except: no future passive infinitive All declensions, including locatives All types of subordinate clause with indicative and subjunctive Ablative absolute Gerundives of obligation and purpose Conditionals (simple only)
Question Paper and Mark Scheme Comprehension questions: –Same range as in 9521 Translation Mark Scheme: [5] tum Magnus eum ad_urbem secutus est [7] Roscius ad_cenam a nobilibus quibusdam invitatus est.