© CEEMET publication 2011 Employment and Social Affairs Committee - 5 October 2011 Terry Woolmer 1
Who are CEEMET? What is EMF? The Precautionary Principle Impact Assessment Guiding principles Unintended Consequences Is Directive fit for purpose? 2CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries
CEEMET represents the interests of employers’ organisations in the metal, engineering and technology-based (MET) industries from 22 countries CEEMET strongly support effective management of health and safety risks to ensure worker protection. 3CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) - a type of natural or man made non-ionising radiation created when electrical energy is used. Everyday EMF sources include telecommunications, microwave ovens and electricity transmission and distribution. Electric fields created by differences in voltage: Higher voltages = stronger electric fields. Electric fields exist even when there is no current flowing. Magnetic fields created when electric current flows: Higher currents= stronger magnetic fields. What are the effects on the Human Body? 4CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries
Precautionary Principle? Health and Safety Framework Directive 89/391/EEC already regulates EMF 5CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries
Failure to identify, quantify or monetize Health and Safety benefits Costs based on different requirements and action levels Vailidity of original cost projections Number of businesses affected 6CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries
Coverage of all sectors Clear definition of adverse health effects Inclusion of Limit values Use of Zoning Simplification of Risk Assessment Flexibility in a controlled environment Medical Surveillance 7CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries
Action values and exposure limit values are likely to be exceeded for common manufacturing processes: Midfrequency pulsed resistance welding Midfrequency pulsed arc welding High power single phase resistance welding Other? Incorrect action values for hand exposures 8CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries
Have the working group met its guiding principles? Status of theRegulatory Impact assessment? Does Harm Exist? Can employers apply the Directive? Does it prevent unintended consequences? 9CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries
© CEEMET publication 2011 For further information: Terry Woolmer 10