ASCOS ice camp Oden ”Met Alley & Ocean ”Open Lead” 5700 meter 3200 meter
Sband cloud and precipitation radar 449 MHz wind profiler Kband MMCR cloud radar CTD-container (not used) Storage & lab space NOAA remote sensing container Main lab 4 th deck aerosol & atmosperic chemistry labs Pump container Inlet masts7 th deck Instruments NOAA celiometer
Main lab NOAA container Kband MMCR cloud radar Sband cloud and precipitation radar 449 MHz wind profiler Dual band microwave radiometer Main lab Cloud celiometer
Gas terminals Storage Trace gas Insbruck Main aerosol lab DMS, SO 2 & filterpack analysis MISU Pump container Inlets FSSP
Gas phase atmospheric chemistry
Particulate chemistry & physics
M-AERI Weatherpack w/ radiation Radon monitor Ships weather station 60MHz scanning radiometer High- volume sampler PM10 low-volume samplers Fog water collector All-sky camera Fog water collectors Sounding station UVB sensor - spectro- meter
FMI visibility sensor Ships celiometer FMI celiometer M-AERI MULid Lidar Sounding antennas Sounding launch station
Sodar Radiation & ice temperature 30-meter mast 15-meter mast Tethered station w/ winch Oceanography hut w/ CTD & microstructure probe Tethered system Power lines Microbarographs Under-ice momentum and heat- flux mast
Underwater bubble camera system Water sampling platform Micro-layer sampling boat WinchOpen Lead Station safety & electronics hut OOTI Aerosol flux station Gill sonic Licor hygro- meter Aerosol inlet