PRE - READING Activity 1: Student work in groups of four, then discuss these questions: 1.Do you socialize with people from your place of work or study? Do you do any sports or other activities with them? 2.Are there any organized leisure programs or activities at your place of work or study?
Activity 2 : What things to encourage health and fitness could you have or do in the workplace in the café/restaurant? inside the building in general? at your desk or workstation? outside the building? in the staff room/lounge?
ACTIVITY 3 : Answer these following questions : 1.What is the active workplace? 2.How do the active workplace help to improve work? 3.What activities are included in the active workplace? 4.What is its benefit?
WHILE READING Read the article “The active workplace”. Find out if the Ford Company encourage any of the things that you listed in the activity 2 (pre-reading) ( International Express Intermediate, unit 5-Time for a break, page 54)
Activity 1 : Find words or phrases in the article that mean: 1. Come together in a group (verb) 2. An action which is taken to solve a problem or improve a situation (noun) 3. The use of natural oils for controlling pain or rubbing into the body (noun) 4. traditional, normal (adj.) 5. Specially created to suit a particular person (adj.) 6. Ready with full attention (adj.)
Activity 2 : Based on the reading passage, answer these questions: 1.What is the “Lunchtime walking group” ? 2.How long does it take them to walk in the local woods? 3.What are other activities at the Ford Company? 4.What are the advantages of those who compete in national and local sports competitions? 5.Why doesn’t the manager complain if the Lunchtime walking group come back to work a little late?
POST READING Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with missing information from the reading passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer: 1.There are of men and women, old and young, office staff and shop-floor staff. 2.They are not waiting for a(n) meeting or a business training seminar. 3.Other include yoga courses run onsite after work.
4. Life skills development include courses in cooking,......, and pottery, as well as like netball and rugby. 5. They encourage sports and at all levels. 6. Flexibility extends to the onsite cafeteria and even make-to-order meals for and athletes in training. 7. The Lunch time working group will properly work more in the afternoon. 8. The active workplace can create a and environment in which to work.
ACTIVITY 2 : Work in group of four. Discuss the questions: 1. What do you think of the Ford Company’s policy on encouraging health and fitness? 2. What are the advantages a. for the employer? b. for the employee? 3. Can you think of any disadvantages?
Activity 3: Students work in group of four and discuss the questions: 1.Does your company or place of work have a staff welfare policy and program? What activities does it include? 2.Plane a new staff welfare policy and program for your own or an imaginary company. 3.Present your ideas to the other groups.
FURTHER READING Read the information about two businesspeople. What differences do you think there are between their lifestyles? How do you think they spend their leisure time? A. Bib Cury is in his 30s and works in a marketing company in Sao Paolo, Brazil. He comes from a large family, but isn’t married and doesn’t have any children.
B. Gao Da Cheng is a director of a large import company in the southern city of Kaosiung, Taiwan. He is 40 years old and married with one son. His wife is a manager of a local bakery.
Further activity : Work in pairs and discuss the questions: 1.Which of the two men do you think will lead to a busy life? Why? 2.What lifestyle do you like most? Why do you like it? 3.Relate to the lifestyles of the people you know that have healthy lifestyles.