Commercial operations in foreign trade
Classical forms of international trade Concept and content of international commercial operations Export and import operations Concept and feasibility of foreign intermediation. Types of intermediaries
International commercial operations are carried out on the bases of transactions that are legal form, their mediation.
Under such bargain (сделка) is an agreement between two or more contracting parties located in different countries, for the sale of goods, services, information, and intellectual property in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.
Thus, the main feature of the international trade transaction is that its subjects (counterparties ) are located in different countries.
Trade transaction recognized international and if it lies between the sides of the same nationality, places of business are in different States. At the same time the sales contract is not considered to be international if it is concluded between subjects of different nationality, places of business are in the territory of one state, for example, between the branches and subsidiaries of firms from different countries, located in the same country.
International trade transaction and characterizes that it is accompanied by payment in foreign currency in relation to one or both sides.
Counterparties in international trade are called the sides in a contractual relationship for purchase and sale goods or services.
International commercial transactions are divided into basic, implemented on a reimbursable basis (возмездной основе) between the parties of different countries, and providing.
The latter (last) are associated with the promotion of the goods from the seller to the buyer, and include transportation, forwarding, storage and insurance of the goods, as well as work related to the maintenance of international payments. It also includes customs clearance of goods of agency agreements with advertising agencies, researching market conditions, and others.
Thus, foreign trade operations cover a wide range of areas of mutual relations of economic, monetary and financial and legal issues between the partners, which are carried out on the basis of the conclusion of foreign trade.
All variety of transactions in international trade is classified according to the subject of the transaction and is divided into: The purchase and sale of goods; The purchase and sale of services; The purchase and sale of intellectual property.
The main place of classical forms of international trade take the purchase and sale of goods in material form. For this transaction the seller agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer in due time and under certain conditions, and the buyer agrees to accept the goods and pay him the agreed sum of money.
Services market is very dynamic development. Sometimes the service is very closely related to the continuation of material production, but in general under the service is taken to mean those activities which are not embodied in a tangible product, and always appears in a certain beneficial effect is obtained by its user.
The main foreign trade transactions for the sale of services include: maintenance and spare parts supply of engineering products; engineering, or trade in engineering and technical services; travel services; consulting services in the field of computer science and management.
The third group consists of the transaction in the sale of scientific and technical knowledge of the Agreement for the sale of scientific and technical knowledge related to the purchase and sale of the results of research, representing not only scientific, but also of commercial value.
In contrast to international trade real objects in operations on Trade scientific and technical knowledge involved products intellectual labor, which can be represented by two groups: knowledge and experience embodied in the form of inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks and other legally protected industrial property objects;
knowledge and experience of scientific, technical, industrial, administrative, commercial, financial or otherwise, used in the process of scientific research, production, sale and maintenance of products, by their very nature are not protected by security documents and the combined general notion of know-how.
Border transactions can also be classified and, depending on distribution channels and the relationship between the parties in this case are different transactions directly, i.e. between producers and consumers of goods and services, and brokerage transactions, i.e. involving a third party - a mediator.
In the role of the latter can act as brokers, dealers, commission agents, consignees, wholesale buyers, industrial agents and others. Intermediaries take on many functions, such as the search for foreign partners, preparation of documents and the sale of goods, the implementation of freight forwarding operations, credit and financial services and insurance products, after-sales service, market research, marketing, advertising, fulfillment of customs formalities, and others.
Export and import operations The most common type of transactions in goods is a regular trade between parties of different states, i.e. foreign trade, which consists of export and import operations.
Export operations include activities related with selling and exporting goods abroad for their transfer to the ownership of a foreign company. May be counted as an export sale of goods and services to foreign persons, firms and organizations are located and operating in the territory of the exporting country, irrespective of the matter whether they are consumed in this country or exported abroad.
Import operations involve activities relating to procurement and importation of foreign goods for sale of them in their country’s market. Their main features are contracts conclude with a foreign counterparty and goods crossing the border of the importing country. Imported goods can be as ready products intended for sale as well as raw materials for processing. Object of the import are goods imported into the country on auctions, fairs and exhibitions.
Export-import transactions are completed, if the commodity is passed through the counterparty’s customs border country, passed the procedure of customs clearance and that authority is given permission to import or export.
Export-import transactions and the contracts concluded with a view to carrying out governed by rules of the Vienna UN Convention "On Contracts for the International Sale of Goods" (1980), when the subjects of the contract are the parties whose places of business are in different States.