Integrated Multi- Functional Observing Networks for Surface Transportation (and many other sectors) Walter Dabberdt Vaisala Boulder, CO 3 rd National Surface Transportation Weather Symposium July 25-27, 2007 Vienna, VA
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 2 Potential Participants and Partners NWS FAA FHWA FRA DHS DoD City emergency managers Flood control districts Air quality management districts Private companies –Weather measurement companies –Telecommunications companies –Tower owners –Others Academia
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 3 User Sectors: Surface Transportation: –Road masters; freight companies –Rail traffic controllers –Airport and airline operators; FAA –Harbor masters, pilots and ship’s officers; USCG –Ports, inland and coastal Others (first and second tier): –National Weather Service –Private weather services –Emergency managers –Electric utilities and transmission companies –Insurance –Agriculture –Air quality –Construction –Traders and brokers –Media –General public
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 4 Critical Atmospheric Phenomena Winter storms Nor’ easters Snow- and ice storms Hurricanes Air pollution Fog, low clouds and other visibility-reducing phenomena Thunderstorms, including MCS’s Lightning Flash floods Hail Straight-line winds Tornadoes Windstorms (w/o precipitation) Aviation hazards In-cloud icing Downbursts Turbulence Heat and cold extreme events
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 5 General applications Detection/Analysis of current state of the near-Earth atmospheric state Nowcasting/very short-range forecasting (0+ to ~2 hrs) Short-range mesoscale prediction (~3 to 48 hrs) 0 4 observations nowcasting - current capability Relative Forecast Accuracy mesoscale forecasting Nominal Time -- hours blending region
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 6 General applications Analysis/description of current state of the earth-atmosphere regime Nowcasting/very short-range forecasting (0+ to ~2 hrs) Short-range mesoscale prediction (~3 to 48 hrs) Site of interest time area analysis mesoscale prediction nowcasting Schematic illustration
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 7 Candidate Measurement Systems Weather radar: reflectivity; velocity, polarization; refractivity Wind profilers: radar, sodar; lidar; aircraft Thermodynamic soundings: RAOBS, aircraft; lidar Lightning detection:CG; total Radiometers:microwave -- scanning; GPS receivers:precipitable water vapor -- column integrated; maybe slant path and 3D Surface mesonets:PTU; V; LW, SW, net radiation; energy & momentum fluxes Satellites:Geo-; POES; LEO Pavement condition: sfc temperature; sfc state
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 8 Commonality....
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 9 Benefits and Challenges of MF-MP Networks Benefits of MF Networks: –Share risks – technical and financial –Minimize investments per partner –Profit (private sector) –Cost reduction (public sector) –Research opportunities (all sectors) Challenges, Obstacles and Impediments: –Competition –IP rights –Data rights –Partner selection –Partner performance –Public-private barriers –“Curse of dimensionality” – managing multiple partners
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 10 Observing Challenges (physical) Network design –Phenomenologically driven: local circulations; processes –Needs driven: Base (or common) network vs. all-inclusive network –How to optimize? Is it possible? Scientific/measurement challenges –PBL structure –MH –O 3 and PM –Water vapor –QPE
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 11 3D Mesoscale Networks Research EPiCC -- Canada Urban micronet – P. Klein (U.Oklahoma) Helsinki Testbed DHS – Manhattan and WDC Planning Studies NRC BASC MF Mesoscale Observations Panel (ongoing) OFCM Urban Network Study (ongoing) AMS Wx & Climate Enterprise Commission Annual Partnership Topic (ongoing) New and Emerging 3D Networks Japan Beijing: 2008 Olympics and beyond Shanghai MHEWS Note: existing 2D ‘mesonets’ are not included
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 12 Flooding Food safety Heat-health Road maintenance & safety Chemical dispersion Air quality Smoke Storm surge Energy Multi-Hazard EWS Weather and Climate Hazards Ensemble Prediction Systems Weather- and Climate- related Hazards Other Hazards Weather Information Risk Models & Processes Forecast and Prediction System Weather Informatio n Related Partners Example of an Emerging 3D MF-MP System: Shanghai Multi-Hazard Forecast and Prediction System Earthquakes Tsunamis
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 13 The conceptual design for comprehensive observations of urban atmospheric boundary City-Scale Early Detection & Monitoring System (conceptual)
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 14 Microscale Meteorological Observation System (conceptual) In the World EXPO 2010 Site
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 15 How to move forward? Some Questions: Role of Government? IP rights? Risk sharing? Cost sharing? Revenue sharing? Chisholm Network – a prototypical concept?
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 16 How to move forward?
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 17 ~1000km A possible prototype network? Major Cities Included: Dallas-Ft. Worth; Houston; Austin; Oklahoma City; Amarillo; Lubbock; San Antonio; Corpus Christi; Shreveport; Tulsa; New Orleans; Mobile; Little Rock; Jackson; “The Chisholm Network” ~1500km
©Vaisala | 26 July 2007 | WDabberdt | WIST-2007 | Page 18 end... Contact: