AGENDA Welcome Living Streets – what we do Walking Action Groups Walking in Hutt City Hutt City Walking Strategy Setting up the new group Next Steps
Walking Action Groups Celia Wade-Brown and Liz Thomas June 2009
Who we are What we do Local Groups Questions “ Walking is about the journey, not just about getting from A to B”
Living Streets Aotearoa 1998 set up as Wellington advocacy group 2002 incorporated as national organisation advocating for walking friendly communities Vision More people choosing to walk more often enjoying public places - young and old, fast and slow, walking, sitting and standing, commuting, shopping, between appointments, for exercise, for leisure and for pleasure.
What we do Submissions and lobbying NZ Walking conferences NZ Walking Awards Newsletter, forum Walking information and resources Projects and campaigns e.g.Walk2Work Walking Maps Community Street Reviews Initiate and support research Support walking or active transport regional forums Set up and support a network of local Walking Action Groups
What are they? -Community members with enthusiasm and a passion for walking and making their community more walking-friendly Existing groups supported by Living Streets in: -Auckland City- Wellington -North Shore- Nelson/Tasman -Manukau- Marlborough -Hamilton- West Coast -Taupo- Canterbury -Palmerston North- Dunedin
What Walking Action Groups do eyes, ears and feet on the footpaths make submissions on plans/strategies comment on developments run community street reviews and audits develop walking maps organise events run or assist with other projects
Benefits to councils of having a Walking Action Group identifiable group to consult with helps council achieve its aims helps council develop and implement its Walking Strategy assists with projects provides ideas and expertise
Other agencies who benefit from having a Walking Action Group to consult / work with District Health Board Other health organisations Regional Sports Trust (Active Communities, Push Play, Green Prescription) NZ Transport Agency
Benefits to the community Group to speak for them on walking issues Reap the benefits of better walking environments
Benefits to group members like minded people who share a passion for walking pool resources to bring about change have fun!
Next Steps? form the group tonight with a core of community people set a date for next meeting of the group talk to Living Streets about support send 2 group members to the Advocates training weekend in July
Any questions?