1 1*
2 After studying and practicing with the Rigor & Relevance Framework tools, teachers will be able to write lesson plans and develop learning experiences which provide opportunities for students to perform at exemplary levels of Rigor and Relevance. 2
Rate your understanding of the rigor and relevance framework: 1 - I don’t know nothing ‘bout it (or very little). 2 - I get the Rigor part but not Relevance. 3 - I get the Relevance part but not Rigor. 4 – I feel pretty good about it all. 5 – I am expert in R&R. (Not Rest and Relaxation) 3 2*
Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge C D A B Knowledge In one discipline Apply Knowledge In one discipline Apply knowledge across disciplines Apply knowledge to real-world predictable situations Apply knowledge To real-world unpredictable situations Application Bloom’s Higher level thinking Higher level application and thinking Sophisticated application 4 3 Lower level on Bloom and less sophisticated application.
5 4,5
Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge C D A B Knowledge In one discipline Apply Knowledge In one discipline Apply knowledge across disciplines Apply knowledge to real-world predictable situations Apply knowledge To real-world unpredictable situations Application Bloom’s Higher level thinking Higher level application and thinking Lower level on Bloom and less sophisticated application. Sophisticated application 7 6
MANAGING RESOURCES Knowledge Taxonomy 6 Evaluate spending habits of spouse- Evaluation 1 Identify money- Recall Knowledge 2Explain values- Comprehension 5Set goals based on budget- Synthesis 4Match expenses to budget- Analysis 3Buy something within budget- Application 8 7
Determine the level of Rigor of activities using the scale 1-6? 9 8*
C D A B Knowledge In one discipline Apply Knowledge In one discipline Apply knowledge across disciplines Apply knowledge to real-world predictable situations Apply knowledge To real-world unpredictable situations Application Bloom’s Higher level thinking Higher level application and thinking 10 9 Sophisticated application Lower level on Bloom and less sophisticated application. Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge
MANAGING RESOURCES 1Know money values- one discipline 2Solve word problems- application within discipline 3Relate wealth to quality of life- application across disciplines 4Prepare budget- application to real- world predictable situations 5Handle lottery winnings- application to real-world unpredictable situations Application Model 11 9
12 10* Determine the level of Relevance of activities using the scale 1-5?
Is it Application? ◆ If NO – ◆ If NO – Level 1 If YES - Is it real world? ◆ If NO and one discipline- ◆ If NO and one discipline- Level 2 ◆ If NO and interdisciplinary- Level 3 If YES - Is it unpredictable? ◆ If NO- ◆ If NO- Level 4 ◆ If YES- ◆ If YES- Level 5 Application Model Checklist 13 11
RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE High Low 1 Knowledge in one Discipline 2 Apply in Discipline 3 Apply across Disciplines 4 Apply to real-world predictable situations 5 Apply to real-world unpredictabl e situations Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation 14 Read a description of a science experiment and list the necessary materials to perform the experiment. Locate and read a current article on stem cell research, summarize the innovation and benefits to humans. Read and analyze three original newspaper articles from the Vietnam War and identify reasons for public opposition to US entry into the war. Write directions on how to connect a new television to cable and DVD Recorder Knowledge 12
15 1. Describe in your own terms the meaning of one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights. 2. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. 3. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. 4. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Enter the number corresponding to the order: A. B. C. D. Then push SEND. 12*
Select a lesson plan from one teacher in your group as a model. Discuss the lesson content and activities- questions, etc. Use the framework tool to check activities for Knowledge level and Application level. Then rate the quadrant Use the walkthrough tool and circle: below basic, basic, proficient, or exemplary for the original lesson for both Rigor and Relevance. Change the lesson to improve the R&R rating in some way. Use the rubrics and framework to help you do this. On the chart paper write your original rating (Quadrant) and how you changed the lesson to improve levels of R & R. Where do you rate your lesson now? Select someone to report your results
18 15*
19 15*
Rate your understanding of the rigor and relevance framework: 1 - I don’t know nothing ‘bout it (or very little). 2 - I get the Rigor part but not Relevance. 3 - I get the Relevance part but not Rigor. 4 – I feel pretty good about it all. 5 – I am expert in R&R. (Not Rest and Relaxation) 20 16*
21 After studying and practicing with the Rigor & Relevance Framework tools, teachers will be able to write lesson plans and develop learning experiences which provide opportunities for students to perform at exemplary levels of Rigor and Relevance. 18
*October 31, 2012 Using Technology in the Classroom November 20, 2012 Pre-Post Assessement Data with Students All sessions begin at 3:15 PM unless otherwise noted. * Optional meetings held after school from 3:15-4:45 PM - Staff members must sign up in My LearningPlan
24 # of Tables Beginning of SessionEnd of Session Response