Christi Romero-Roseth Annette Hahn Denny McGihon TPOTS to Results Christi Romero-Roseth Annette Hahn Denny McGihon
SEK-CAP Program-wide outcomes Staff view themselves as having the skills to better support children in the classrooms Staff look to each other as sources of additional information and support Staff become intentional and purposeful in interactions with children in order to build on their strengths
SEK-CAP Program-wide outcomes Staff turn over is reduced; staff satisfaction is increased Staff ask for fewer suggestions from mental health professionals The number of children receiving individual counseling from psychologists decreased Program spends less time and resources on intervention level and more on prevention level of the pyramid
Objectives Understand purposes for use of the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) Assess how well teachers are implementing the Teaching Pyramid model through use of the TPOT Summarize and evaluate the results of the TPOT on the TPOT Summary
Objectives Understand the coaching model as it applies to implementation of the teaching pyramid Develop an Action Plan based on TPOT scoring technical assistance needs of the teaching team Use the Fidelity Checklist to determine the degree to which interventions are carried out as planned
Implementing the Pyramid Where is your program now? Where do you want to be in a year? How will you get there? Use the TPOT and coaching as strategies to support implementation Write out answers to these questions on board. Have each participant choose one classroom and give answers based on that classroom. Give “Coaching Impact” handout.
Escalator Video
Coaching Teachers in the Pyramid Includes tools and observations Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool CSEFEL Inventory of Practices handout4.html TPOT observation and feedback TPOT review form Action Planning Fidelity Checklist Discuss tools. Have each participant have all of their tools to look at.
TPOT What is it? Used as a way to determine how well teachers are implementing the pyramid Meant to be an ongoing tool, not a one time event Can be a pre/post measure Can supplement other tools (e.g., ECERS…)
TPOT Benchmarks of Quality Program-wide adoption of fidelity tool Identifies strengths and areas for implementation Captures growth in fidelity of implementation
The Teaching Pyramid Social Emotional Teaching Strategies Individualized Intensive Interventions Social Emotional Teaching Strategies Designing Supportive Environments Building Positive Relationships CSEFEL
Phases, Activities and Skill-Sets for Coaching Framework Introducing the teacher to the Pyramid Initial Pyramid training Preparing for coaching Ongoing professional development through coaching Pyramid Model Adherence
Using the TPOT Observations Interviews Conducted for a minimum of 2 hours Must observe centers or free play and at least one teacher-directed activity Focus on observation is lead teacher’s behavior Interviews For those practices that cannot be observed in a 2-hour observation Handout TPOT Manual.
Format of the TPOT Three types of items Environmental items (items 1-7) – yes/no based on observation Ratings of practices (items 8-22) – ratings based on observation and/or teacher report Red Flags (items 23-38) – yes/no based on observation
Environmental Arrangement Items Clear boundaries Move easily around room Lack of large open spaces Adequate number of centers Materials support play Preparation of centers Classroom rules
Items based on observations and/or teacher report Schedules Transitions Conversations Promoting Engagement Behavior Expectations Providing Directions Social Skills Expressing Emotions Problem Solving Friendship Skills Persistent Problem Behavior Communication with Families Involving Families Relationships with Adults
Items are scored based on teacher report Supporting children with persistent problem behavior Communication with families to promote involvement Involving families to support social emotional development and addressing problem behavior Strategies to build collaborative teaching with other adults
Red Flag items 23-38 Represents issues related to teacher training, support, or program practices Indicated areas for immediate training Scored as yes/no
Summarize Results Use Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) Summary Strengths Emerging Skills Professional Development needs
TPOT Demonstration Site United Cerebral Palsy Colorado (Formerly Cerebral Palsy of Colorado) Serving children enrolled in Head Start and Early Head Start; pregnant moms in the Prenatal Program; whole families through extended resource referral Five centers city-wide (Aurora, CO) Co-Teaching model, plus specialists in the classrooms Proactively inclusive environment: 20-25% of children each year have diagnosed disabilities On-staff Mentors (Coaches) from early educational and/or mental health backgrounds
TPOT Demonstration Site Overview of Participation Initial Engagement Planning for Program Integration Train-the-Trainers Automated Scoring Feedback from evaluator-scored observations Results from auto-scored evaluations Things to watch for Translating scores into coaching plans Organizational Roll-out
Automated Scoring Tool Contents of the original Fox/Hemmeter TPOT questions were replicated on this electronic form (MS Excel Template) Observers use traditional paper/pen tool to observe in classroom Data Entry person enters TPOT answers to automated form (could be the observer, could be anyone – regardless of familiarity with the TPOT theory or measurement system) TPOT “weighting” (scoring based on importance of skill) is built-in to the spreadsheet Automated Scoring Tool (AST) scores up to five classrooms per MS Excel Workbook and includes a Reliability Test Each classroom shows result of observation (yes/no), the resulting TPOT score, and a tally of questions answered Yes vs. No.
A Quick Look at the Automated Scoring Tool MS Excel Template – use over and over again – up to 5 classrooms per site Pull-down menus limit responses to Yes, No or N/A (Also, Reported or Observed) Calculates TPOT score once all answers in a section are completed Calculates how many “Yes” answers of the total number of answers Produces Summary Values at the bottom (per classroom) Feeds classroom summary data into a Site Summary (Summary Tab)
Using the Data
Galena am Pre TPOT 9-16-08
Galena pm Pre TPOT 9-16-08
Coaching Teachers in the Pyramid Nurturing Relationships Meet with teams, partner Meet one-on-one Respect teachers time Creating Supportive Environments Discuss content, curriculum, strategies and offer choices Intensive Interventions Quickly respond Behavior Incident Report’s All Levels Ongoing professional development opportunities Data based decisions guide next steps Keep it relevant Discuss what participants are already doing. Discuss what might be needed for classroom teachers to better excel in implementing the Teaching Pyramid.
Professional Development Planning Workshops Share time at staff meetings Peer mentoring Case discussion groups Curriculum development Coaching What have staff used and what might be useful for the particular classroom that each participant is thinking about today?
TPOT Summary Chanute am Class Strengths: Transitions between activities (#9) score = 5 Teachers engage in supportive conversations (#10) Score = 5 Promoting children's engagement (#11) score = 4 Teaching children behavior expectations (#12) score = 4 Teaching social skills and emotional competencies (#15) score = 5 Teaching children to express emotions (#16) score = 5 Supporting friendship skills (#18) Score = 5 Communication with families to promote family involvement (#20) score = 5 Involving families in addressing problem behavior (#21) score = 4 Strategies to build collaborative relationships with other adults (#22) score = 5 Learning centers have clear boundaries (physical) The classroom is arranged such that all children in the classroom can move easily around the room. The classroom is arranged such that there are no large, wide open spaces where children could run. There is an adequate number and variety of centers of interest to children and to support the number of children. Materials in all centers are adequate to support the number of children allowed to play. Materials/centers are prepared before children arrive at the center or activity. Classroom rules or program-wide expectations are posted, illustrated with a picture or photo of each rule or expectation, limited in number (3-5), and stated positively. Emerging Skills: Providing directions (#13) score = 2 Using effective strategies to respond to problem behavior (#14) score = 2 Teaching problem solving (#17) score = 2 Professional development: Schedules and Routines (#8) score = 0 Supporting children with persistent problem behavior (#19) score = 1
CSEFEL Inventory of Practices Promoting Children’s Social Emotional Competence tool to assist coaching teachers on the Teaching Pyramid Skills Inventory
Action Planning Use a TPOT Summary from a classroom Write Proposed goals for Action Plans Complete TPOT Items/Indicators List items indicating emerging skills or professional development needs Write Next Steps Person(s) Responsible Dates
Professional development and staff support Staff support plan Ongoing technical assistance Needs assessment for pyramid implementation Individualized professional development plans Group and individualized training strategies Incentives and acknowledgment
Coach - Plan for time 12-14 Weekly observations/demonstration coaching sessions 30 minute debrief sessions, as needed Individually targeted to the developmental needs of the teaching team
Fidelity of Intervention Fidelity – Degree to which interventions are carried out as planned Determined by accuracy and consistency of implementation Fidelity is reduced by: Complex interventions Unclear directions or specific instructions Provider knowledge, history, or expectations Show Fidelity Checklist. Discuss reasons that some classrooms may be having challenges with implementation of the TPOT goals selected for classroom.
Focus specifically on strengths-based praise It’s important to identify areas of pyramid practices Self-identity strengths Past successes builds confidence for new learning Specific information makes praise more comfortable Develop a strengths-based praise agreement with co-workers Discuss next steps for use of the Fidelity Checklist. Another workshop could be on the – “Practical Strategies for Teaching Social Emotional Skills” It shows how teachers can embed TPOT goals into the classroom day.
You Are A Super Star! Great Job! You Deserve a High Five! Way To GO! Good Going! You Are A Super Star! You are Awesome! Great Job! Great Work!! You Are Too COOL! You Deserve a High Five! Way To GO!
Why Use The TPOT? Next steps for program Growth in implementation Staff training and coaching needs Change in teacher practice