AARD June 17, 2011 This talk is: V:\ARDB\business\AARD_110617.pptx.


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Presentation transcript:

AARD June 17, 2011 This talk is: V:\ARDB\business\AARD_ pptx

AARD Reorganization Other Business

AARD AARD Mission Focus has narrowed to basic R&D in high gradient acceleration methods Science Priorities: 1.PWFA and FACET must be an outstanding success 2.Laser Acceleration – demonstrate gradient and integrated voltage gain 3.Microwave R&D –Defining next steps for HGRF; develop more cost-effective power sources


KMD  RF Accelerator Research E Department “RF- =RF-ARE, so pronounced: “RFR”

AARD Financial structure (e.g. CAMs) is unchanged Sami, Mark, and Joel remain the leaders of the Microwave, Plasma, and Laser efforts “Group Leader”  “Functional Leader” Administrative duties have moved to the AARD Head: – Performance Evaluations, Training Evaluations: done in close coordination with the functional leaders – Authorizations on STAs and JSAs; Management walkthroughs Mechanics of the Change


STAs and ATAs reviewed this month Performance Evaluations moved to September AARD dept heads meetings  AARD departmental meetings Communication to/from other parts of the lab – Scientific: SLAC Colloquiua, Advanced Instrumentation Seminars, Photon Science Seminars, … – Business: ARD & AD “All Hands”, Norbert’s Blog, Persis’s Workgroup Meetings, … Mechanics of the Change—Cont’d

AARD What you can expect from me Keep you informed of issues that impact you Work to secure needed resources from other departments—and—respond to requests for help from other departments Look for opportunities to expand AARD’s engagement in other areas both inside SLAC and outside Foster as academic a research environment as possible Serve as advocate for AARD’s work Strengthen cohesion of the department Will quickly resolve any further safety issues

AARD What I expect of you 28 people now directly report to me—you must be proactive in bringing issues to my attention – In person, at a bi-weekly AARD meeting, by , by phone, by voic , … Fulfill your responsibilities – Continue to LEAD in high gradient acceleration concepts— look for opportunities to expand AARD’s reach into new R&D topics and new applications – Help make AARD a single, productive department – Maintain an outward looking perspective This has never been more important – Keep your training current, maintain your lab spaces

AARD Programmatic Priorities 1.Strengthen ties to the SLAC photon science program Plasma: energy doubler; chirp cancellation Laser: e/  manipulation; nm-class diagnostics; THz sources Microwave: TCAV, rf undulator, energy dither, kHz-class linacs Gun & Cathode R&D? How to engage in the ITF? 2.More aggressively develop new applications and seek out new collaborators and new sponsors DARPA: compact x-ray sources DHS: Gamma ray sources BES: Novel radiation devices, novel electron sources NIH/Industry: compact proton linacs 3.Strengthen our role in education and outreach Continue to host the majority of graduate students in ARD Contribute to courses at Stanford, USPAS, elsewhere Give colloquia at select universities to broaden knowledge of SLAC’s work and to attract graduate students

AARD FEL R&D Program with essential components for LCLS II, NGLS and other FELs LCLS-II injector LCLS-II completion HXRSS Injector studies (LCLS-II injector) ITF (Sector 0-9) to enable advanced beam generation, compression and laser seeding at high energy Temporal diagnostics & timing Attosecond x-ray generation FEL Seeding schemes Beam brightness & manipulation Technology development Ultrafast techniques ECHO-7+ SXRSS demo Laser amplitude & phase error control THz & Polarization THz generation Polarization ctrl. Multi bunches, detectors, short-period undulators, high-rep. rate CTF/GTF (Cathode, Gun) X-ray beamline R&D Zhirong Huang

AARD Injector Test Facility “ITF” in Sectors 0-9 Highlights of Changes for ITF: Add injector laser room and laser Remove ~15 m of sector 0 injector, reusing many components Install LCLS gun, K02, K01, and laser heater with configuration similar to LCLS Remove 50m (4 RF stations) of linac in sector 3 (or 8) to make the experimental area Install small laser room and Echo/HHG laser system near S3 (or S8) Optionally install BC1 and linearizer Upgrade diagnostics to support low-emittance, Echo-100 operation

AARD Strawman Timeline for ITF Highlights: 1)Careful planning required to fit installation into the 7.5 months/year FACET is not running, and to leave the accelerator functional at the end of each installation 2)Current planning has LCLS-III construction beginning in 2020, allowing 2 additional run years beyond the NGLS 2018 deadline.

AARD Questions? (more mundane issues follow…)


AARD Vacation Usage FY2011 vacation usage. – You are still asked to use ALL vacation accrued during FY2011. Meaning: Employees’ ending vacation balance on 9/30/2011 must be no more than it was on 9/30/2010. – Mandatory 240 hour cap in January 2012 still applies

AARD Other AARD Business Future AARD Departmental meetings (bi-weekly) – Time? – Format: News from me 5 minute updates from each PL, including what you need from other AARD groups and from SLAC Brown Bag, Seminar, Lunches, Coffees, … EEIP program – All new equipment – Legacy equipment inventoried in 44, 292; 104D, 222, 223, 225, 231, 407B/D, 407C, 611; plan due 9/30/11

AARD New time for bi-weekly AARD meetings? – Fridays 1pm? Take course 120 (Work Planning & Control)!

AARD Functional Lead R2A2

AARD Supervisor R2A2