Books and Breakfast Dr. Juliet Thorner Creative and Performing Arts School Margaret Gallegos, Principal Linda Stacey, Reading Specialist Copywrite 2005 Reading Camp
You are the most important teacher in your child’s life. You know your children the best.
You are the most important teacher in your child’s life. You will be a part of their life always.
You are the most important teacher in your child’s life. Your example will be more powerful than your words.
You are the most important teacher in your child’s life. Accept your child’s skill at every age and level of education. Children grow in an environment of support for who they are now. Then, they can move on to a higher level of development.
You are the most important teacher in your child’s life. Your encouragement and high expectations will be the basis for your child’s goals and dreams. Praise genuinely and aim high.
Start early to read together. Soon, your child will read to you. Looking at the pictures and talking about the book is so valuable. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Start early to read together. Soon, your child will read to you. Talk about the experiences you have shared together.
Start early to read together. Soon, your child will read to you. Enjoy repeating phrases over and over. “Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the Gingerbread Man!”
Start early to read together. Soon, your child will read to you. Point out the letter names and sounds in the words. Stretch out the words to exaggerate the letter sounds.
Start early to read together. Soon, your child will read to you. Encourage your child’s 1 st attempts at reading like you did the 1 st attempts at walking & talking. It is magic!
Motivate your child to read by providing high-interest materials. Have lots of books, magazines, comic books, joke books, science books, and even trading cards to read.
Motivate your child to read by providing high-interest materials. Reading fairy tales and fantasy tales is imaginative.
Motivate your child to read by providing high-interest materials. Find books about their hobbies or favorite characters.
Motivate your child to read by providing high-interest materials. Find books on tape or DVD to make the story come alive. Reading along silently with an expressive narrator is great for fluency.
Motivate your child to read by providing high-interest materials. Friends tell friends about good books to read. Share the favorite books.
Comprehension is the reason for reading. How can you help? Write important messages to each other to read for a reason. “Please feed the dog tonight.” “I love you, honey!”
Comprehension is the reason for reading. How can you help? Reading together is the perfect time to ask questions as you go along. Ask aloud what you would ask yourself to understand the story. Think who, what, when, where, why and how.
Comprehension is the reason for reading. How can you help? Read stories to your child that are above his reading level to improve listening comprehension. It always comes first. The rich language is wonderful!
Comprehension is the reason for reading. How can you help? Use different strategies for different text types. Visualizing, predicting and summarizing work well with stories.
Comprehension is the reason for reading. How can you help? Try SQ3R, KWL or graphic organizers for informational text. Use resources like the internet, a dictionary and the encyclopedia to find and understand more information.
Priceless! Spending time with your children is priceless. Enjoying a book together helps cement the bond between parent and child forever.
Storytime Here is a favorite story of mine I’d like to share. Families, feel free to follow my lead the next time you read…
Book Drawing Let’s draw names for the free books. They are provided by our corporate sponsor, Bear Mountain, and our Thorner Booster Club. Thank you!
Reading lasts a lifetime.