Technology Roadmap Technical Cmte ReportAssign- ments ResultsNotes Cloud Fabric Arch. 40/100G (2), ODCA M2M Smart Grid IEEE SGIP Security Infrastructure Security Sustainability (STEP) STEP Vendor Rating Complete (CCSC*) Complete TR-42 Cabling TR-51 Smart Grid TR-50 M2M 5 Pubs 6 Pubs * Cloud Computing Subcommittee 3 Pubs Complete In Progress TR-42 Cabling TR-42 Cabling 2 projects 1 Ballot 1 project
Technology Roadmap ETSC & TC ReportEC Tasking ResultsNotes Dist. Ant. Sys. Cabling for DAS Cyber- security M2M & DHS Spectrum Optimization GTRI, VMware Energy Mgt Systems Intelligent Buildings Sustainability Wind Towers TR-42 In Discussion TR-42 Cabling TR-14 Towers TR-50 1 project
Engineering Committee Activity Reviews
Engineering Committee Overviews CommitteeTR-8TR-14TR-30 FocusLand-Mobile RadioCell Tower StructuresMultiMed & VOIP LeadershipChair: EF Johnson Vice-chair: Harris Corp. Chair: EET, LLC VC: Malouf Eng’ing Chair: FAL Assoc. Key DocumentsTIA-102 SeriesTIA-222 StandardTIA-232, 485, 921 ProjectsPortable Antennas; Push to Talk (PTT) with Long Term Evolution (LTE) Systems; Specifications for Packet Data Small wind turbine structures; Antenna mount ratings; Safety anchorages for pole climbing; Corrosion of anchor bolts Model Simulator for Evaluating IP Performance; Reversible balanced voltage digital interface circuits RelationshipsProject 25, Association of Public-Safety Communi- cations Officials (APCO), National Association of State Technology Dir’s (NASTD), DHS, FBI, FCC American Wind Energy Assoc. (AWEA); Distributed Wind Energy Assoc. (DWEA); American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ITU-T Study Groups 12 and 16
Engineering Committee Overviews CommitteeTR-34TR-41TR-42 FocusSatellite CommsUser EquipmentPremises Cabling LeadershipChair: Hughes Vice-chair: iDirect Chair: Whitesell Cons.Chair: dBi Consult. Vice-Chair: Siemon Co. Key DocumentsTIA-1040TIA-968, -1083TIA-569, -942 ProjectsQoS Signaling for IP; Joint IP Modem (JIPM) Interop.; IP Over Satellite; IPoS and smart grid Acoustic Perform. Requirements and Measurement Methods for High-Gain Amplified Telephones; Receive Volume Control Requirements Sustainability standards; Distributed Antenna System Cabling; Passive Optical LANs; Education and Places of Assembly Premises RelationshipsDigital Broadband Video (DVB); ETSI; DOD Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments (ACTA); ATIS; FCC BICSI; Standards Institution of Israel; US Army
Engineering Committee Overviews CommitteeTR-45TR-48TR-49 FocusMobile Wireless, µWaveVehicular TelematicsHealthcare Telem. LeadershipChair: Alcatel-Lucent Vice-chair: Sprint Chair: Tseng Infoserv Vice-Chair: Qualcomm (none) Acting: WireFreeCom Key DocumentsTIA-41 Series(none) ProjectsM2M support; Mobile phone functions in emergency situations; Energy savings management; LTE-CDMA interworking; Perf & interop of femtocells; Enhanced voice and data svcs and capabilities Transmit traffic information to emergency responders; Non-emergency services over mobile service networks; Safety issues for driving (none) Relationships3GPP2, ATISISO; IEEE; FMCSA; MCSAC; US DOT GTRI, Aventyn
Engineering Committee Overviews CommitteeTR-50TR-51 FocusM2M – Smart DeviceSmart Utility Networks LeadershipChair: Qualcomm Vice-Chair: ILS Technology Chair: MJ Lynch Assoc. Vice-Chairs: NICT; Beecher Key DocumentsTIA-4940TIA-4957 ProjectsProtocol Aspects; Deploying and Securing Applications; Security Aspects; Capabilities RelationshipsGTRI, OPC Foundation, oneM2M, FAU IEEE
Next 90 Days August 2013 1 st :TR-30.3 (Virtual) 6 th :TR-8.8 (Virtual) 12 th :TR-50 (Virtual) 14 th :TR-45 WG on Microwave Systems (Virtual) 15 th – 17 th :TR-8 (Anaheim, CA) with ATIS 19 th – 23 rd :TR-41 (Virtual) 28 th : TR-45 WG on Microwave Systems (Virtual) September2013 4 th – 5 th :TR-45 (TIA HQ) 8 th – 13 th :TR-45.5, TR-45.4 & 3GPP2 (China) 19 th :TR-34 (Virtual) 19 th :TR-45.8 (Virtual) 30 th – Oct 3 rd :World Standards Week (DC) October 2013 7 th – 9 th :TR-8 (at TIA2013 Event) 29 th :TR-50 (Virtual) 29 th – Nov 7 th :IEC TC86 (Charlotte, NC) 8