Power Ranch Elementary Third Grade Team August 2015 Third Grade Curriculum Night.


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Presentation transcript:

Power Ranch Elementary Third Grade Team August 2015 Third Grade Curriculum Night

Housekeeping SCHOOL HOURS: School starts at 8:05 am and dismisses at 3:05 pm. Please schedule all appointments around this time. Please, do not have your child arrive earlier than 7:45 am, as the gates will be locked. Parents check in through the front office. Early Release Wednesdays occur each week. Students are dismissed at 1:00pm on these days. NUT FREE ZONE: All third grade classes are nut free. Please do not send in treat or snacks that contain peanuts. Please only send in store bought treats for celebrations.

Snacks It is important that your child brings a snack. We eat lunch at 12:10pm and students will be hungry. Please send your child with a snack to eat in the morning. Please nothing that contains nuts.

Communication Stay updated through our class website. Homework and spelling lists are posted on the website weekly. is the best way to contact us.

Common Core Standards outu.be The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state- led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The standards were developed in collaboration with teachers, school administrators, and experts, to provide a clear and consistent framework to prepare our children for college and the workforce.

Together We Will Succeed! Higley Schools No. 1 Public School District in Arizona Power Ranch Elementary School is ranked No. 3 among district K-6 schools in Arizona

District Grading Practices Higley teachers will teach the Arizona academic standards and assess how students are progressing. When teachers report student progress they will follow these guidelines: 1.Scores are related to achievement of the standards 2.Variety of assessments used to gather evidence of achievement 3.Assessment procedures support student learning

Grading The K-5 Grade Reports to Parents include the following levels of performance: 4 = Above benchmark / Exceeds current grade level expectations 3 = Meets benchmark / At grade level expectations 2 = Approaching benchmark / Improving but not consistent 1 = Below grade level / Needs more time and support Blank = Not yet introduced GOAL

K-5 Assessment and Grading Handbook Online Visit our website for frequently asked questions!

AR Reading Program Accelerated Reader (AR) is a computer based comprehension program. Students select an AR book, read the book, and then take a 5 to 10 question comprehension test, followed by a spiraled vocabulary quiz. Students are responsible for checking out two AR books, and one book of choice. In addition, one of the AR books must be a non-fiction text. We will be increasing non-fiction text as part of implementing the Common Core State Standards. Accelerated Reader provides an additional source to better understand your child’s comprehension and vocabulary skills. As always, our goal is to reach 100% achievement each quarter. See your teacher’s class website for more information on how to sign up to receive your child's quiz results. The information is located under the AR tab.

Curriculum Maps Online Visit our website to find your student’s curriculum maps by grade level and content area.

Reading GUIDED READING: Students will get the opportunity to read in a small group of 4-6 children. They will learn strategies, phonics, and comprehension skills. Teachers will guide students through literature studies connected to the Common Core Standards. READ ALOUDS: Teachers will read fiction and non-fiction stories. They will be exposed to proper fluency as well as have the opportunity to respond to literary elements. CENTERS: Students will work cooperatively with hands-on activities reinforcing various skills taught throughout the year. INDEPENDENT READING: Students will read independently in class and during AR. CLOSE READING: Teachers will use the latest reading comprehension technique to improve student achievement.

Writing Students will learn basic types of writing such as personal narratives, story writing, friendly letters, and more. We will focus on the six traits of writing which include: IDEAS/CONTENTORGANIZATIONVOICE WORD CHOICESENTENCE FLUENCY CONVENTIONS Students learn how to write using the Write from the Beginning Program. Children will experience writing through: MODELED WRITING- Observing the teacher write and model the writing process out loud. Journals- Students will have the opportunity to freely write in their journals on a topic of their choosing. This is a place for students to do some personal writing, write poetry, create lists, etc. Publishing- Students will use the six traits of writing and publish work by creating their own masterpieces.

Math Parent Roadmaps to the Mathematics Common Core Standards During the upcoming school year, Power Ranch children (and children across Arizona) will be exposed to exciting new math curriculum. To adhere to the Common Core Standards (New Arizona State Standards), there will be several shifts implemented in how we teach math for all grade levels. To help parents better understand these mathematical shifts, The Council of the Great City Schools has created parent roadmaps to help parents understand what their children will be learning and how they can support that learning at home. Below is a link to each grade levels' parent roadmap. These maps also provide learning examples and three-year snapshots showing how selected standards progress from year to year enabling students to become college and career ready upon their graduation from high school. ntGuide_Math_3.pdf

Science Science is divided into three primary areas; Life Science, Earth & Space, and Physical Science. The areas of focus for this quarter consist of: Identifying the layers of the Earth Describing the different types of rocks and how they are formed Classifying rocks based on their physical properties Describing how fossils are formed Identifying how diverse people and/or cultures, past and present, have made important contributions to scientific innovations

Social Studies Social Studies is divided into five strands; American History, World History, Civics/Government, Geography, and Economics. This quarter we will be focusing on: Discussing how different types of maps serve various purposes. Describing the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Identifying traits of character that are important to the preservation and improvement of democracy. Describing the importance of students contributing to a community.

Thank you for all your help and support! We appreciate your time tonight. It’s going to be a wonderful year! Have a terrific evening!