Comprehension Strategies for Middle School & High School FISD
What is AVID? AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to closing the achievement gap by preparing all students for college and other postsecondary opportunities. Established more than 30 years ago with one teacher in one classroom, AVID today impacts more than700,000 students in 45 states and 16 other countries/territories. one teacher in one classroom AVID: Teaches skills and behaviors for academic success Provides intensive support with tutorials and strong student/teacher relationships Creates a positive peer group for students Develops a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through hard work and determination
Welcome to Class!!! In the text “Dying for the shirt on your back,” Greenwald and Hirsch claim that we, as consumers, are to blame for the global apparel industry problem. While you read, number the paragraphs, circle key terms, and underline the claims. Can we, as consumers, really affect a global industry and help make a positive change?
Strategy 5: Marking the Text Explain the strategy and its importance for readers to learn this skill. You will want to make copies of the Quick Reference you select or make the ideas on the handout available to students in some way. Explicitly teach students how to identify essential information in the text. Students will need support as they learn how to identify claims, evidence, and other relevant information. Model, model, model. Have students discuss how and why they marked a section of a text.
Strategy 8: Charting the Text Use your table to help organize your charting statements. Left column, number 1-7. Divide the paragraphs Middle column write a brief statement about what the author is saying in the text (Summary or main idea statement). Right column you will state briefly what the author is doing in the text. (Hint: start with a verb)
Strategy 8: Charting the Text Explain the strategy and its importance for readers to learn this skill. You will want to make copies of the Quick Reference you select or make the ideas on the handout available to students in some way. Some verbs may need to be defined for students. Lists can be posted around the room, photocopied, etc. Model, model, model.