The 2011 International Poultry Exposition (IPE) Salmonella and Campylobacter Reduction Conference Consumer Product Comprehension
March 2006 Outbreak/Recall – USDA modified regulations Must use “uncooked or raw” (no long use “ready to cook”) Cooking instructions documentation Barber Foods, Antioch, Maple Leaf all comply as well as remove microwave instructions Barber Foods conducts multiple research studies to proactively understand consumer perception, habits and practices Barber Foods solicits USDA and Minnesota Dept. of Health input Barber Foods conducts micro challenge studies on cooking directions Barber Foods implements labeling and cooking packaging copy beyond USDA standard Plans to lead a Stuffed Breast Industry meeting September 2008 Outbreak – USDA public advisory – Barber Foods leads 1 st Industry labeling and cooking instruction conference call (10/31/08) –Stuffed Breast industry coalition with Koch Poultry, Maple Leaf and Tyson – Barber Foods leads 2 nd Industry labeling and cooking instruction conference call: All participants agree to standard (11/14/08) Background
Development of Packaging Standards Input from all coalition members Input from USDA FSIS Accessed prior USDA study Generic package created to demonstrate and test standard – Raw in title – Raw icon – Raw food safety statement on net weight line
Consumer Comprehension Study On-line Omnibus 1,000 interviews – 50% of sample viewed “generic old copy” Post March 2006 – 50% of sample viewed “generic new” proposed guidelines
5 Appendix: Product Tested – Old Copy
6 Appendix: Product Tested – New Copy
Package research Executive Summary The new package communicates the raw product state significantly better Recall of the word “raw” nearly doubles (42% w/ old pack to 82% w/ new pack) Understanding of the raw product state increases from 55% to 76% overall Among females who indicate they are the primary meal preparer, it goes from 54% to 82% The oven symbol does a good job in reinforcing the raw state of the product and how it should be cooked In both the new and old versions the vast majority of consumers plan to cook the product in the oven (75% for old copy vs. 79% for new copy) Open end playback of packaging likes are consistent with the other findings – more mention raw and must be cooked in oven/not microwavable with the new package Recall of a meat thermometer increases significantly overall (from 53% to 70%) The open ends suggest meat thermometer communicates that the product must reach a certain temperature/be cooked well or thoroughly – but not necessarily that the product is raw 7
8 Product State – What is the product state? New packaging copy has significant impact on the percentage of all consumers who believe the chicken is raw, especially among females and females involved in the category Q4: “Based on what you noticed from the packaging, please select one statement below that describes the chicken in this product” TOTALTOTAL FEMALESTOTAL MALESTOTAL FEMALES + INVOLVED IN PURCHASE/PRE P TOTAL FEMALES + INVOLVED + BUY CHICKEN BREASTS OLD A (499) NEW B (501) OLD C (257) NEW D (263) OLD E (243) NEW F (237) OLD G (237) NEW H (247) OLD I (157) NEW J (167) The chicken is already fully cooked 33 B1631 D1235 F2132 H1236 J12 The chicken is raw5576 A5482 C5670 E5482 G5583 I I am not sure if the chicken is raw or fully cooked D H6104 CAPITAL LETTER indicates 95% confidence level vs. other column Lower case indicates 90% confidence level vs. other column
9 Cooking Method – Proper preparation method The vast majority of consumers will bake the product in the oven Q5: “Which statement best describes the proper preparation method(s) for this product? (Please select one) TOTALTOTAL FEMALESTOTAL MALESTOTAL FEMALES + INVOLVED TOTAL FEMALES + INVOLVED + BUY CHICKEN BREASTS OLD A (499) NEW B (501) OLD C (257) NEW D (263) OLD E (243) NEW F (237) OLD G (237) NEW H (247) OLD I (157) NEW J (167) Cook in oven Heat in microwave1078 d h484 Cook in oven or heat in microwave CAPITAL LETTER indicates 95% confidence level vs. other column Lower case indicates 90% confidence level vs. other column
Raw Packaging Guidelines Guidelines being adopted by top 4 Stuffed Breast manufacturers Coalition manufactures all implemented labeling by 12/31/09 13
Barber Foods Package Continuous Improvement Added “Raw” tab as part of new design – Further differentiation
Continuous Improvement 2008 = 55%2009 = 82%2010 = 96%
Barber Packaging Research RAWCOOKED Total rep (84) % C Total rep (84) % D Fully cooked498 C Raw / Not cooked96 D1 Don’t know--1 Q9: Which of the option listed best describe each package?
Barber Packaging Research LIGHT PACKCURRENT Total rep (84) % C Total rep (173) % E Top 2 box: Extremely/Very Easy82 e72 Extremely easy4944 Very easy33 a28 Somewhat easy1423 ac Bottom 2 box: Not Very/At All Easy46 Not very easy45 Not at all easy--1 Q10: For the pair of packaging you’ve been evaluating, how easy is it to tell which package is for a raw product and which is fully cooked? GfK: Online quantitative survey, May 10, 2010 “Rep” = 75+ females / cell, ages who purchase frozen poultry in grocery
Conclusions Industry & USDA FSIS collaboration and cooperation produces better outcome USDA FSIS should incorporate raw standard into labeling regulations – Ensures that private label and other manufacturers clearly communicate Questions and/or feedback – Jeff Jeff