What is Cancer? An uncontrollable growth of abnormal ________________ There are many types/stages of cancer Cancer can affect many different ______________ and body systems Abnormal cells that have the potential to become cancer are produced every day and destroyed by your immune system
Immune System If the immune system is ____________, the abnormal cells will become overwhelming This is when cancer begins to develop Critical to keep immune system ___________ and ______________
Types of Cancer Lymphoma – Cancer of the ____________ __________ _______________ – Cancer of blood forming organs (bone) Carcinoma – Cancer of glands, body linings (skin, lungs) __________________ – Cancer of connective tissue Misc. types: Colon, Breast, Esophagus, Liver, Kindey
Important Terms Tumor – abnormal _____________ of tissue Benign – non cancerous (does not spread, but can be dangerous) Malignant – ______________ (spreads to neighboring tissues/organs) Metastasis – spread of cancer from its original point Remission – symptoms _______________ or slow Get regular medical check ups!!!
Some Causes _____________ __________ Major cause of oral cancers, second-hand and third-hand smoke, Kidney cancer, lung cancer ________________ _________________ _______________ Hepatitis B can cause liver cancer, Genital Warts and HPV can cause cervical cancer Radiation Ultraviolet rays (sun and tanning beds) can cause skin cancer, 100% preventable ___________ High in fats, sodium and cholesterol increases risk of heart disease, colon, breast, and prostate cancers
Types of Treatment Biopsy – ___________ of small piece of tissue for exam Surgery – removal of all cancerous tissue Radiation – kills cells, shrinks cancerous mass _________________________ – chemicals destroy cells Immunotherapy – activates immune system Hormone Therapy – meds that interfere with production of hormones, kills cells or slows growth
Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes, and Arthritis
Allergies Specific reaction of the immune system to a ________________ and/or harmless substance Pollen ___________ Mold Chemicals ___________ Medicines
Asthma Chronic (_________ ________) disease that effects the lungs No known cause or cure During an attack, your airways in your lungs become _________________ The sides of your airways swell, making it harder for the air the pass through into your lungs
Diabetes Chronic (long-term) disease that effects the way body cells convert food into ______________ Two types: ______________: Condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks itself. Must take insulin daily Type 2: Body is unable to make enough insulin or use it properly. Occurs in ______________ ages
Arthritis A group of more than 100 different types of diseases that cause pain and loss of movement in the _____________________ Osteoarthritis – cartilage breaks down ___________________ – joint is destroyed due to inflammation
Others Sight impaired Macular Degeneration – retina is destroyed, causes blindness Glaucoma – __________ ____________is destroyed Cataracts – clouding of __________________ Hearing impaired Deafness – loss of _______________ Motor impaired Multiple Sclerosis – autoimmune disease, tissues are destroy over time Cerebral Palsy – neurological disease, affects muscle control and motor movement