Order of Paladins Lesson 5 Song and Dance copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Hint: Check out the notes pages for this Power Point presentation. There’s a lot of additional information cached there. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Warrior’s Admonition Your body is your temple: Care for it! Do not engage in useless activity. Listen to the Goddess. Help thyself. You create your own reality. The Warrior’s path is creativity. A serene path to enlightenment. Know thyself. Master thyself. Create your own reality. Nurture the ability to perceive the truth in all matters. Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye. Learn from your mistakes. Teach thyself. Create your own reality. Do not be negligent, even in trifling matters Grace and guilt do not exist: Strive for responsibility. Honor thyself. Create your own reality. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
13 Precepts: 1.Know thyself. 2.Nurture the ability to perceive the truth in all matters. 3.You create your own reality. 4.Develop a sense of Right Action. 5.Do not be negligent, even in trifling matters. 6.Your body is your temple: Care for it! 7.Minimal appearance, maximum content. 8.Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye. 9.Power with. 10. Who dares wins. 11.The Gods cannot help those who will not help themselves. 12. Be creative! 13. Do not engage in useless activity. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Code of Chivalry: All members of the Order of Paladins must live according to the principles of chivalry, which include: Sincerity. Courtesy. Compassion. Perseverance. Industriousness. Justice. Loyalty. Courage. Self-Discipline. Humility. Largesse. Truth. Honor copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Earth Energy copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Northridge, CA, 1994 Following an earthquake in 1994 in California thousands ran outside into the darkness caused by a power blackout and saw the night sky for the first time. Hundreds called emergency organizations and radio stations asking if the silver cloud in the sky might have caused the quake. They had no idea that what they were looking at was our Milky Way Galaxy. Light pollution had of course hid it from their view their entire lives. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Connection to Nature Many live in steel and glass buildings in urban sprawls with very little that is natural surrounding them. They buy processed foods that little resemble the animal or plant they came from. In these circumstances how many realize that they live by consuming living things? copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Respect for Nature Our ancient ancestors had that respect, for they had to contend with nature to get the food to sustain themselves. Part of our challenge now is to re- establish that connection and respect. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Take a Walk If you don’t live close to nature make an effort to get out into it and reconnect with the energy of the living things around you. This will give you greater sensitivity to the energy around you This will also help motivate you to serve the earth. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Look at the Stars Find a place of “dark sky” where there is little or no light pollution and look at the Milky Way. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Song Chapter 6 Magickal Self Defense Chapter 21 Full Contact Magick copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Entrainment and Resonance PPPPsychic attack and defense isn’t about connecting or dominating so much as it is about: FFFFinding the right connection, and CCCCausing the person at the end of that connection to entrain or resonate the way you want them to.
Resonance Entrainment is the process whereby two connected oscillating systems, having similar periods, fall into synchrony. The system with the greater frequency slows down, and the system with the lesser frequency accelerates until both systems are oscillating with the same frequency. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Toning Each person in a group takes a deep breath and then sings the chosen tone until they run out of breath. They then quickly take another breath and repeat the tone. Because different people are running out of breath at different times, the sound of the group's mantra should be more or less continuous. Start with a low pitch. As each person feels the energy start to rise, they raise their voice an octave in pitch, and/or increase the volume. All watch the person directing the group. This leader will use some sort of agreed signal like raising her arms to indicate when the energy has peaked. This will occur at a point where the tone sounds and feels “right.” When the signal is given, all of the participants stop toning and direct the energy raised to wherever it is required.
Sounds TTTToning different sounds produces different effects.
“Haa!” FFFFirst, focus on the images and sensations that are making you uneasy. Imagine that they are a dark cloud within you. TTTThen, shout out loud (or in your mind) the word “Haa!” three times: “Haa! Haa! Haa!” With each shout imagine the cloud (and the sensations within it) being expelled from you. Imagine this dark cloud receding into the distance until it vanishes from sight.
“AUM” If your energy is depleted, try toning the well known mantra “AUM” for a few minutes. This will draw energy into you, and is most useful if you are trying to recharge yourself after a magickal attack. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
“Ma” To expel excess or negative energy, try chanting the mantra “MA” (pronounced as in grandMA) while imagining the negative energy passing out of you. This mantra helps the negative energy to flow out of you. You can also use “MA” to send healing energy out of yourself to assist another person. The only difference is the intent that you attach to it. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Bhramari Breathing To do Bhramari breathing, sit in a comfortable position. Begin making a soft snoring sound as you exhale (with practice you can make this sound while inhaling too). It does not have to be loud: It should sound like a sigh or a groan. Start with a low pitch and with each breath raise up through an octave until it feels right to you. Continue until you feel like making a big sigh. It takes about twenty exhalations to arrive at this point. This big sigh signals that the exercise has worked.
Frequencies Two tones close in frequency generate a beat frequency at the difference of the frequencies, which is generally subsonic. For example, a 500 Hz tone and 510 Hz tone will produce a subsonic 10 Hz tone, roughly in the middle of the alpha range. The resulting subsonic tone affects the state of mind of the subject.
Subsonic Tones Let’s look at the effects of brainwave synchronization and the resulting brain waves and mind states. These are the results of the following frequencies:
Gamma 26–80 Hz. Results in higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness. In some studies this has been linked to ESP ability, heightened insight, and out-of-body experiences or OBEs. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Beta 12Hz - 38Hz. This is further divided into three categories: SMR, beta 1 and beta 2. SMR (12Hz - 15Hz) Results in relaxed focus and improved attention. Beta 1 (15Hz - 20Hz) Increases mental abilities, IQ, and focus. Beta 2 (20Hz - 38Hz) Results in anxiousness and heightened sense of alertness. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Alpha 8Hz - 12Hz. Results in a state where the brain is awake, but not processing much. This can be a useful frequency for meditation. It is also associated with a feeling of being “connected”, dreaming (REM sleep) and states of creative reverie. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Theta 3Hz - 8Hz. This is associated with the hypnogogic state right after one wakes up or begins to fall asleep (drowsiness). It can be useful in self-hypnosis. Theta 1 (3Hz - 5Hz) suppression can result in improved concentration and attention while reducing hyperactiveness (after the session). Theta 2 (5Hz - 8Hz) Results in a very relaxed sleep. This frequency range is often related to paranormal/spiritual experience. The first Schumann resonance (7.83 Hz -a spectrum peak in the ELF portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum) Associated with the hypnogogic state, out of body experiences, and various hormonal releases. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Delta Hz. This frequency range usually results in deep sleep. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Floating Hands This is the next progression from the Holding the Ball exercise you’ve been working on You started holding the ball, you moved on to having your hands hanging off of a floating ball… copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Floating Hands Technique Now what you’re going to do is split that floating ball in two, so that one smaller floating ball is stuck to each of your hands Then you’re going to bring your hands down to your sides, palm downwards, arms held out from your sides, as if your hands are now floating on top of these balls copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Facing Fears Statement that ends every ritual of the Order: Go now into the world and run straight at whatever you fear the most! copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Learning to Face Fears One way we’ve found helps people to learn to deal with fears in their lives is to chose one and conquer it. Conquering one fear makes it that much easier to deal with other fears you may face. If you’re part of a preceptory, you should find group activities that give members an opportunity to face their fears. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Rappelling: One way we do this at the Motherhouse is to do yearly rappelling exercises copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Opportunities These rappelling exercises provide a safe opportunity for people to deal with a fear of heights. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Rappelling Safety If you’re going to use rappelling, you need a qualified rappel master to make sure everything is done safely! copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Other Examples: There are many other activities that you can use to safely face fears. The following slides offer just a few examples: copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Climbing Walls copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Martial Arts copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
…And Dance Warrior Dance: The Haka copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Maori Haka copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Maori Haka The reasons that we are showing you this Maori dance are: This is a very powerful, magickal dance; and We greatly admire and respect the Warrior traditions of the Maori tribes copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Maori Haka We appreciate the trials and tribulations that the Maoris have endured over the years in trying to hold on to their culture and traditions. First Nations people the world over have been the victim of Western colonial efforts to stamp our their culture and replace it with Christianity. We are sensitive to the fact that over the years people have “borrowed” the Haka to use in advertising and to use in events which reflected badly on the Maoris. We aren’t trying to “steal” their dance here. We are showing it to you to honor it, and them. copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Kerr Teaching Haka copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Ka maTe Haka Ka Mate! Ka Mate! (I am doomed! I will die!) Ka ora! Ka ora! (No I am alive! Life is mine!) Ka Mate! Ka Mate! (I will be defeated! I will die!) Ka ora! Ka ora! (No! I take back my life. Life is mine!) Tenei te tangata puhuru huru (I am born of distinguished people) Nana ne i tiki mai whakawhiti te ra (Whose legacy shines on me like the sun) A upa ne! Ka upa ne! (“Keep abreast! Keep abreast!” or “Step Up! Another step!”) A upe ne ka upa ne whiti te ra! (In your ranks hold fast! Into the shining sun) Hoy! (Hurrah!) copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Haka web sites You can view this dance at: feature/haka.cfm feature/haka.cfm feature/haka.cfm the New Zealand army the New Zealand police the New Zealand Air Force an on-mass Haka competion copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Lesson 5 homework reminder Practice toning the various sounds to accustom yourself to the effects Find activities to face fears Try out the Haka copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain
Order of Paladins Be Glorious! copyright 2013 Kerr Cuhulain